
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:杨翠萍  页数:290  


  《高校会展管理系列教材:会展英语》是为了适应我国会展经济的发展而编写的专业英语教材。全书共有12个单元,每单元围绕主题由3篇阅读文章、一篇案例文章以及若干练习项目组成。所收内容不仅从宏观上介绍了会展活动管理的有关理论,包括会展业的形成及其发展、会展业对社会文化和政治经济的影响、会展营销、会展管理、会展各活动的协调及其评估等诸多方面,而且理论联系实际,设计了多种多样的课文讨论及案例分析题目,以培养读者解决问题的实际能力。该书还根据各单元的主题,设计了形式各异的英语读、写、说、译等项练习,以提高读者英语语言技能。全书选材于国内外最新的相关著作和文献,力求内容新颖,语言地道。  《高校会展管理系列教材:会展英语》可作为普通高等院校、高职院校学生的专业英语用书,也可供相关专业在职人员作为培训教材与相关专业教师的参考用书。


Unit One Creation and Development of Meetings, Conventions and Expositions IndustryText A History of Meetings, Conventions and ExpositionsText B The Event Management Profession and Its SubfieldsCase Study The First Convention BureauExercisesSupplementary Reading The Future of Meetings, Conferences and ConventionsUnit Two The Impacts of the Events IndustryText A The Impacts of the Events and ExpositionsText B Social and Community Implications of EventsCase Study Impacts of Sydney’s Olympic GamesExercisesSupplementary Reading Developing a Convention City:? Opportunities as Thailand Moves towards Becoming a Convention CountryUnit Three The Players of the IndustryText A Convention and Visitors BureauText B Companies and Their RolesCase Study The Inntel AgencyExercisesSupplementary Reading Some Major Players in the IndustryUnit Four Event MarketingText A The Five Ps of Event Marketing (A)Text B The Five Ps of Event Marketing (B)Case Study Bill VeeckExercisesSupplementary Reading The Target MarketUnit Five Human Resources ManagementText A StaffingText B The Demand for and Scheduling of StaffCase Study Help WantedExercisesSupplementary Reading Volunteer CoordinationUnit six sponsorship of great events……Unit seven financial managementUnit eight preparation for great eventsUnit nine logistics in great eventsUnit ten legal managementUnit eleven organization of great eventsUnit twelve closedown and evaluatiKey to exercisesBibliography"



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