
出版时间:2002-8  出版社:上海交大  作者:杨永平 编  页数:356  


  口语交流无疑是最便捷最直观最有效的交际手段之一。为了学习口语,将语言知识变为语言技能应贯穿于英语学习的全过程,在这一过程中应当努力克服口语学习方面的心理障碍;坚持听说贯通,注重培养语感,强化训练力度;扩大训练流量,不断提高语言表达能力和语言交际能力。本教程是北京外国语大学应用英语学院同英国文化委员会(British Council)合作,经过7年编写,3年试用而推出的一套高级英语自学教程。“高级英语自学系列教程”是为具有中级英语水平的英语爱好者专门设计的,对已经学过两年英语或已经取得大学英语4级证书的读者尤为适用本教程以语言,文化和情景为主线,融听、说、读、写、译5项技能于一体,通过各种学习任务使学习者获得用英语进行实际交流的能力。 本教程的特点是适用于自学,每项学习任务都有反馈和参考答案。其中的3本《成功指南》则是为学习者提供自身的素质如自主学习能力、良好的学习习惯和技巧等方面专门设计的。 本教程的另一个特点是模块学分制。共分两个模块: 一、英语语言交际模块 《成功指南1—导向》、《成功指南2—学习技巧》、《高级日常英语》、《高级英语写作》、《高级休闲英语》、《跨文化交际》、《高级职业英语》、《变化中的英语》、《高级时事英语》、《文学阅读与欣赏》。 二、职业培训模块 《成功指南3—职业性》、《英语教学法》(下)、《语言与语言学:实用手册》、《论文项目设计》、《英语教学法》(上)。此书另配2盘磁带(随另附费购买)。


  Unit 1 Public SpeakingUnit 2 Job Hunting and Job HoppingUnit 3 Science and TechnologyUnit 4 Road to SuccessUnit 5 Higher EducationUnit 6 Tourist IndustryUnit 7 Love and MarriageUnit 8 Women in Modern TimesUnit 9 Getting China to BuyUnit 10 Environmental ProtectionUnit 11 Foreign TradeUnit 12 Reform and Opening-upUnit 13 Special Economic ZonesUnit 14 Corporation ManagementUnit 15 Social ResponsibilityUnit 16 Information Technology


  书摘Task 3 Group Discussion1. What will you take into account when choosing your partner?When we are in love with someone, we seldom think about anything else except our own feeling. But if we are to marry someone, we would usually think over what qualities we hope our partners have.A sense of responsibility tops the list of the qualities that I want myfuture partner to have, for it is essential to the maintenance of a stable marriage. Second come honesty and sense of humor, which are of the samesignificance, since honesty is the basis for trust, while a sense of humor canmake everyday life more enjoyable, ease the tension in our life and help us gain relaxation from the tense competition outside in society. After these qualities, I believe potential power and intelligence are also important,especially the former. As for some other qualities, such as income, age,height, etc. , they do not mean so much as the previous ones, but it will be better if he/she has a steady income, and his/her age and height can match mine.Obviously, it is hard to find a person with all these desired qualities.What we should keep in mind is that we can never attach too much importance to the trivial and material ones and neglect the major ones.2. Views on divorce When people get married, nobody would expect their marriage to end up in a divorce. But if the marriage does not have a solid foundation, for example, in the case of arranged marriage or material-oriented marriage, it is very likely for the couple to split up in the end. And sometimes both sides are expecting too much of their marriage but neither of them wants to take any responsibility, then very possibly the two will turn their backs to each other some day.Some say divorce is the tragedy of a failed marriage, but this is notnecessarily the case. If the couple extremely cannot forbear to live togetherand always quarrel or stay in a "cold war", they can choose to separate, because such a situation brings forth lots of problems, unhappy life, ineffective work, bad memory for children, etc.. If so, diyorce offers them an opportunity to end their misery and turn a new leaf in their life. But just as everything has two sides, to get a divorce is to some extent to replace one social problem with other problems. For instance, it results in broken families and may cause misery to both the children and the divorced parents.The parents' divorce is very terrible to their children. The young will feel lonely, having an incomplete life. They will be in lack of warm love from their parents. All this might make the children become a social problem -- drug addicts, gamblers, gangsters, etc.. In addition, it might cause a mental or psychological illness.Divorce also has negative effects on the partners. It can make them unhappy and poorer. They'll be easy to get angry. More seriously, it may lead to life failure in weak people, because after they separate to live alone,each person's burden will increase. The situation will be even worse if he/she has to bring up the children.Therefore, when their marriage is in trouble, the couple should first try to find out the problem and solve it. They have to be understanding and tolerant. Only when they have no other choice, should they carefully consider choosing divorce to be their last resort.3. Dink family or happy familyThe great changes taking place in China in the past decades have led togreat changes in the Chinese family structure. Together with the implementation of population control policy, these changes result in thedisintegration of large extended families, and bring about more and more smaller families such as stem families and nuclear families. In the recent decade, the rapid economic growth and huge influx of western ideas have witnessed the emergence of another type of family -- Dink family, i. e. family with double income but no kids.Personally, I think Dink family is just a matter of choice. For some couples, they choose not to have kids because they want to devote their efforts to the larger community instead of their own family, just like the way Premier Zhou did in his lifetime. While others do so because they do not believe they can be qualified parents. They feel they could have other alternatives since they are not good at parenthood. And this at least is better than when they find they are incapable of bring up their kids. Of course there are also such people who consider freedom, privacy and leisure more important than becoming parents. They choose to have no children simply because they do not want to be bound to the heavy burden of childcare and the resulting housework. But anyway, it is not so serious a problem as falling away from biological or social norms. It is only people's different choice of their own lifestyle.However, though the problem of overpopulation is quite serious in China, Dink family is not advisable. One of the main reasons is that the problem of the aging population in our country is also very pressing now. Moreover, most of the couples who choose to live in Dink families are well-educated. This will result in a possible decrease in the overall level of intelligence of the future generations. What's more, many Dink families tend to be less stable than families with kids. Therefore, in present China,one-child family may still be a better choice for most people and the country as well.……







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