出版时间:2002-3 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 作者:Patrick Forsyth 页数:213
BEFORE THE MEETING TIMlNG TIMING THE CONTENT To give a real chance of sticking to a planned duration consider having a timed For example,allocate a proposed time for each item certainly for main sections and topics This will act to focus discussion and give both chai rperson and participants somethina to aIm at Even being able fo say:‘Let’s try to get this item out of the way in the next twenty minutes’will be of psychological value in concentrating minds It really helps Ensure that the meeting has a timed structure,publish it,refer to il as the meeting proceeds,and aim to stick to it as far as possible 会前 时间安排 给会议内容作时间安排 要想真正地按计划的时间进行,就要考虑安排一十计时议程。 比如说,给每个议题安排一段相应的时间,当然也包括那些主要部分和主题。这样会起到集中讨论、让会议主持者和参加者有的放矢的作用。 甚至可以说:“让我们尽量在接下去的20分钟里讨论完这项议题。”这样的话在心理上对我们集中精力思考问题会有帮助。它确实有帮助。 保证会议的结构是计时的。把它公布出来。作为会议的进程.并尽可能地照此进行。 BEFORE THE MEETING THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT The room and location for a meeting and the equipment available also make a difference The hazards are many: ● too many people in tOO smalI a smoke filled room and everyone is uncomfortable concentration goes out of the window《though the smoke never seems to do so!) ●uncomfortable chai rs also affect concentrallon ● no visual aid equipment available can double the time needed to explain,say. dtag rams ● inappropriate refreshment arrangements create interruptions and so on and so on;think of meetings you have sat in yourself The moral:meetings need to be held: ● in the right place ●in the right room e with the right equipment all arranged in advance 会前 物质环境 会议的房间、地点以及可利用的设备也会带来不同效果。 危险有很多: ·太多的人挤在一个又小叉乌烟瘴气的房间里,每个人都不会舒服,人们的注意力 会转向窗外(尽管烟雾好像总是不想到窗外击!) ·不舒适的椅子也会影响注意力 ·没有可利用的视觉辅助设备将会让解释、发言、列表的时间加倍·不恰当的饮料配送会打断会议等等等等.想想你自己参加过的会议吧。 信条:会议需要—— ·合适的地点 ·合适的房间 ·恰当的设备这一切都得事先安排。 BEFORE THE MEETING WHERETOHOLDIT IN Sometimes important meetings wiII need arranging away from the office fsee next page)Mostly they need to be in the office and i 1 a suitable room which is ●quiet ●private.if necessary fthis may m,~an soundproof) ●of,sufficienI slze ●comfortable(chai rs.table and other furniture welI designedl ●airconditioned if necessary.especially if you plan to allow smoking fstilI a vexed issue.but the majority are now non-smokers and increasingly the norm is not to allow it in meetirigs) ●right ln 1erms of ambience neither Ioo plush nor too spartan ●allows good visibiIity fof people and visual aids);acoustics too need considering ●has power points,good Iighting,but notelephone Do not Just say:et s have It in George’s office Think about what room will be best and plan accordlnglY. ……