
出版时间:2001-8  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:何志范 编  页数:381  字数:353000  




Views(学报)》、《中国翻译》发表多篇译文,论文“Touristic Trends In


第一部分:上海名胜古迹 上海--旅游大都市  A.上海名街  B.上海的桥 豫园  A.上海老街与老城厢  B.老城隍庙的旧式庆典与风味小吃  C.秦裕伯的故事  D.工艺品指南 上海的古刹  A.玉佛寺  B.静安寺  C.龙华旅游城  D.撞钟驱忧 外滩--上海的标志  A.外滩建筑群  B.浦江游览 人民广场  A.上海大剧院  B.上海博物馆 大世界游乐场 上海植物园 少年宫 中共一大会址 孙中山先生故居 宋庆龄故居 鲁迅纪念馆 上海文庙 上海热带风暴水上乐园  浦东新区 嘉定 松江  A.上海佘山假日旅游度假村  B.佘山天主堂 青浦  A.大观园  B.朱家角--古老的水镇  C.太阳岛 南汇上海野生动物园 崇明岛 上海周边风景区  A.周庄  B.同里  C.苏州  D.杭州西湖 上海旅游巴士线路第二部分:了解旅游文化


  People's Square is located a few blocks west of the Bund, markingthe west end of the Pedestrian Mall, East Nanjing Road. In the heartof Shanghai, the square is the center of public life in the city.  The area of the square set its first step for the center of the city inthe 1860s when the British colonists had a large racecourse built on oneof the fields of the locals. For about a century, the racecourse had beena sports arena attracting crowds of gamblers.   There were so manypeople traveling between the Bund and the racecourse that a road calledPark Lane was constructed which was renamed Nanjing Road later.Around the course some accommodation and entertainment facilitieswere provided, including Park Hotel, Great World EntertainmentCenter, and Club Building of the Race Course Association. Graduallythis area became a part of the city proper. In the early 1950s, theracecourse was closed when gambling was declared illegal by the newgovernment, and it was turned into People's Park and People's Square.  In the 1990s, People's Square underwent a massive reconstructionwhere much of the open space was turned into landscaped area and afew imposing structures were erected.  The reconstructed and landscaped area of the square covers anarea of 140000sq.m. In the middle of the square runs the 600m-long and 32m-wide People's Avenue. It is a useful link in the traffic system.  ……






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  •   这本书适合了解旅游知识,真正用来讲解我觉得并不是特别适合。
  •   比较实用,适合中外人士使用。并且有优惠价格,还不错,值得一买。

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