
出版时间:2001-2  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:罗伟纲 编  页数:202  


为了适应远距离教育发展的需要,便于成人利用业余时间学习英语,作者编写了这套《新远程英语教程》供开放式大专非英语专业学生使用。    本套教材共分两册:第一册以听说读为主,第二册以听读写为主。考虑到非英语专业的成人学生英语基础差,程度参差不齐以及年龄大,工作和生活压力大等种种困难,在训练听说能力的同时,加上了阅读理解以帮助学生扩大词汇量,提高阅读能力。这样,不仅使他们在工作中能借助辞典阅读有关英文资料,也能促进听说能力的培养。考虑到语言与文化的密不可分这一事实,作者在教材内容上将语言技能技巧与文化背景知识有机地结合起来。考虑到远程教育手段的特殊性,作者采用了多种媒体的相互互补,发挥各自的作用,提高学习效果。使这套教材能为远程教育学习者带来方便。


Unit One Unit Two Unit Three Unit Five Unit Six Unit SevennUnit EightUnit Nine Unit Ten Unit Eleven Unit Twelve Unit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit Fifteen Unit SixteenUnit Seventeen Answer KeysTapescripts


  After he graduated from Morehouse, he went on tostudy at the University of Pennsylvania, HarvardUniversity and Boston University. At Boston Universityhe met Coretta. She later became his wife. In 1954, afterhe got his Ph. D. degree, he became the leader of theblack people. They were poor and without power. Hegave speeches and led marches. For his ideas and actions,he went to jail for a short time.  Many years later, in Washington D.C. , he spoke toa crowd of 250, 000 people. In his speech entitled "IHave a Dream", he expressed his opinion —— the only waypeople could win their rights was to remain peaceful, evenin the face of danger. His speech is still popular today inthe United States. For his courage and achievements hewon the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.  On April 4, 1968 he was shot to death. The wholenation mourned the terrible event. The man who hadpreached nonviolence all his life died a victim of violence.  But his dream will never die. Many Americans arestill struggling to make that dream come true.  Who was the great man? He was Martin LutherKing.   ……



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