
出版时间:2012-5  出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社  作者:胡健  页数:148  


  在日常生活中,逆证的例子随处可见。例如,当我们来到一个有两家面包坊的小镇上,看到有人在吃面包,我们会判断出至少有一家面包坊正在营业。如果我们看到一家面包坊灯火通明,我们便会得出这样的结论:这就是那家在营业的面包坊。而在科学理论的发展过程中,逆证更是不可或缺,任何新的理论的产生,往往都是与逆证密切相关的--皮尔斯认为,逆证推理的激发,正是为了解释某种令人吃惊的现象或事实。此外,逆证在医学诊断、侦探推理等领域,都起着非常重要的作用。  皮尔斯的逆证理论经历了一些重大变动。到1903年,皮尔斯认为,演绎、归纳和逆证为科学发展或理解过程中起着不同作用的三个阶段,逆证为其中的第一个阶段。




PrefaceChapterl Introduction1.1 Position and general orientation1.2 Abduction: background and issues1.2.1 Roots of abduction1.2.2 Abduction in everyday life1.2.3 Abduction in scientific reasoning1.2.4 Abduction in artificial intelligence1.3 Organization of the bookChapter 2 Towards an Understanding of the Notion of Abduction2.1 Introduction2.2 Peirce's theories of abduction2.2.1 The syllogistic theory2.2.2 The inferential theory2.3 Abduction and induction2.4 Features of abduction2.5 Abductive reasoning we talk on2.5.1 Abduction: inference to the best explanation2.5.2 Selective abduction and creative abduction2.5.3 Abductive triggers2.5.4 Defining abduction2.6 Chapter summaryChapter 3 Cognitive Contexts3.1 Introduction3.2 Study of context: socio-anthropological tradition3.3 Study of context in pragmatics and cognitive linguistics3.3.1 A general introduction3.3.2 Major contextual elements3.3.3 Cognitive context units3.4 Chapter summaryChapter 4 Abductive Reasoning in Natural Language Interpretation and Pragmatic Inference as Abduction4.1 Introduction4.2 Abduction in natural language interpretation4.3 Verbal communication paradigms4.3.1 Encoding and decoding paradigm4.3.2 Communicative intentions4.3.3 Perspective taking4.3.4 Dialogism4.3.5 Conclusion4.4 Pragmatic inference and abductive reasoning4.4.1 Cooperative principle and conversational implicature4.4.2 Relevance theory4.4.3 Abductive reasoning and pragmatic inference4.4.4 Principle of economy4.5 Chapter summaryChapter 5 Creative Abduction and Linguistic Interpretation5.1 Introduction5.2 Three categories of creative abduction in linguistic interpretation5.2.1 Realizing new meanings .,……Chapter 5 ConclusionReferences



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