
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社  作者:罗杰波,汤晓鸥,徐东 主编  页数:428  


  罗杰波、汤晓鸥、徐东等编写的《计算机视觉》是由一些综述性或原始研究论文组成的,涉及了计算机视觉的各个领域,包括图像分割和标注、人脸和生物特征识别、图像配准、基于视频内容的分析和三维重建,每篇论文的作者至少有一位是中国科学技术大学信息学院的毕业生。 《计算机视觉》可供计算机专业高年级本科生、研究生以及相关领域的科研人员使用。


罗杰波,云南昆明人,1989年于中国科学技术大学本科毕业,1995年于美国罗切斯特大学获得博士学位。现任柯达公司研究院首席科学家,研究领域包括图像处理、模式识刚、计算机视觉、多媒体信息挖掘、生物医学信息学等。他以在电子成像和视频通信方而的杰出成就当选SPIE Fellow(2008),以在语义图像理解和智能图像处理等方面的贡献当选IEEE Fellow(2009),以在图像视频内容识别中采用概率上下文模型的开创性工作当选IAPR Fellow(2010)。汤晓鸥,辽宁鞍山人,1990年于中国科学技术大学本科毕业,1996年于麻省理工学院获得博士学位。现任香港中文大学工程学院副院长及信息工程系教授,2005年至2008年于微软亚洲研究院担任视觉计算组主任,研究领域主要有计算机视觉、模式识别和视频处理等。他以在模式识别和视频处理等方面的贡献当选IEEE Fellow(2009)。徐东,四川大竹人,2001年和2005年于中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系分别获得本科和博士学位,2006年在美国哥伦比亚大学做博士后。现任教于新加坡南洋理工大学计算机工程系,研究方向包括计算机视觉和多媒体信息处理,住国际著名学术期刊和学术会议上共发表了40余篇沦文。


Preface to the USTC alumni’s seriesPrefacePart Ⅰ Segmentation and Registration Chapter 1 Graph Cuts Based Active Contours (GCBAC) Chapter 2 A Novel Region Constrained Non-Rigid Image Registration FramewQrkPart Ⅱ Face and Biometrics Chapter 3 Parallel Image Matrix Compression for Face Recognition Chapter 4 Facial Expression Recognition Based on Statistical Local Features Chapter 5 A Hierarchical Compositional Model for Face Representation and Sketching Chapter 6 A Brief Introduction to Skeleton-Based Fingerprint Minutiae ExtractionPart Ⅲ Image Annotation Chapter 7 Image Transform Bootstrapping and Its Applications to Semantic Scene Classification Chapter 8 Bipartite Graph Reinforcement Model for Web Image AnnotationPart Ⅳ Video Analysis Chapter 9 Motion Estimation Based on Trilinear and Optical Flow Constraints Chapter 10 Appearance Modeling for Visual Tracking Chapter 11 Robust Monocular 3D Tracking of Articulated Arm Movement Chapter 12 Video Classification via Local 3D Eigen Analysis Chapter 13 Video Annotation: Supervised, Semi-Supervised and Active Learning ApproachesPart Ⅴ 3D Reconstruction Chapter 14 Rapid 3D Modeling from a Single Image Based on Minimal 2D Control Points Chapter 15 Quasiconvex Optimization for Robust Geometric Reconstruction Chapter 16 Deformable Structure from Motion: A Factorization Scheme


版权页:插图:Indeed we are far from the first who tried to patch spatial and temporal information together for a better understanding of the world: The 4D event space and light cone in special relativity put forward by Einstein have been the foundation of modern physics for about one century [34]. Even in video understanding several research groups have come to the realization of the benefits provided by patching videos in the temporal direction. Stauffer and Grimson developed the concept of pixel process , where a pixel process for a video, a 1D data, is formed by threading pixels of the same location in each frame in videos. They have applied this novel concept with valuable performance in a series of scene monitoring and tracking applications within the framework of background subtraction. Chin and colleagues proposed a temporal segmentation method based on a 2D image which is formed by stacking collinear pixels in a video. The cut detection is then transformed into a line detection problem in this 2D spatial-temporal image, which can be achieved more effectively. As can be seen these two methods entirely exploited temporal redundancies but fell short of taking full advantage of spatial redundancies. Nonetheless, the E1 time series for pixel process and E2 time frames are powerful enough to solve their respective problems elegantly.






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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   书里面讲了边缘检测,人脸识别,视频跟踪等方面的论文,每一篇都讲的很详细,讲述的内容非常有研究和参考价值
  •   里面有比较好的文章,是视觉领域的,说明推导很详细,值得一读!
  •   虽然是都能下到的文章,但是打印出来拿在手里感觉还是不一样,科技大出人才

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