出版时间:2009-1 出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社 作者:张国治,张宁 主编 页数:432 字数:419000
本书是为准备考研的本科生或同等学力水平的考生编写的。重点介绍作文的多种类型与写作方法。就目前情况而言,本书篇数最多,内容广泛,分类齐全且题类最细,值得广大考生与自学者的关注与参考。 为了更好地推进研究生的英语学习与应试工作,编者们经常进行理论探讨与经验交流,并将这些宝贵的经验与资料付诸笔端。这365篇考研作文是我们多年的心血与汗水结晶。写好考研英语作文,关键在于考生语言与写作的基本功。 首先,围绕主题写,围绕每段的主题句来写,这是作文切题的关键。其次,要在句型结构上下工夫,多写各种从句。因此多读,多背,多体会范文,也是一个诀窍。此外还应该注意语言的应用,力求语言流畅,表达准确,尽力避免词汇重复使用。只要注意以上三条,写出来的作文就应该能够得高分。 在此,要特别感谢安徽师范大学外语系主任乐金声教授不辞辛苦对这本著作进行认真细致的修改和指教。由于编者水平有限,书中难免有一些不足之处,恳请专家、教授以及读者们的指正,不胜感激。
前言范文 1.对我影响最大的人 2.竞争与合作 3.展望2008北京奥运会 4.爱国主义 5.读书使人充实 6.成功之路 7.假如雷锋还活着 8.获得知识的最佳途径 9.挫折也很重要例文 (一)热门话题类(1~120) 关于大学体育 一个旅游景点的简介 海外留学的利与弊 广告 得了不治之症之后 我们进入二十一世纪之后 中国人口的老龄化 成人教育热 幽默感很重要 庆祝生日 献血 书籍 中国的人才外流 人类会幸存下来吗 成功能用金钱衡量吗 文凭与证书热 作弊(欺骗) 二十一世纪的中国 克隆人,是支持还是反对 打假 打击猖狂走私 网上犯罪 提倡创新精神 中国西部开发战略 儿童沉溺于电脑游戏 之弊端 中国的离婚率 不要再多喝酒了 先发展经济还是 先保护环境 考研热 男女平等 安乐死 中国快餐 少说多做 反腐败 爆竹应该禁放 五天工作制 ……
adopted, and Chinas access to the World Trade Organization,more foreigners have come to China for investment and manyChinese will go out for further development. In this busy world ofcoming and going, communication with foreigners is an essentialprerequisiteI Thus listening and speaking are of the firstimportance to our Chinese nowadays. As far as we know, four things should be done before we,college students or postgraduates, can speak good English. First,reading and speaking are closely related, therefore we should readshort passages till we can recite them, trying to speak or practiseby ourselves, as reading aloud does help to improve our speech.Secondly, we have to depend on the cassette recorders, imitatethe sound and intonation and do our best to speak English withcorrect pronunciation and intonation. What is more, we shouldlisten to the radio or watch TV about English programs. Thirdly,useful expressions and widely-used sentence patterns for our oralEnglish should be memorized as many as possible. We study andremember them for the sake of applicationLastly, perhaps themost important of all, whenever or wherever we meet foreignersor students of English, we should make full use of the opportunityto start a conversation with them. Be bold enough and never beafraid of making mistakes. And we can also make regularappointments with foreigners or teachers. If we want to makemore progress in fluency, we should practise English by ourselvesor go to the English Corner to improve it. So long as we persist inpractising speaking, we are sure to develop our speaking skill andmake a good speech in English within one or two years.