
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社  作者:白志东,方兆本,梁应敞 著  页数:231  






Preface of Alumni's SerialsPreface1  Introduction 1.1 History of RMT and Current Development  1.1.1 A Brief Review of RMT  1.1.2 Spectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices  1.1.3 Limits of Extreme Eigenvalues  1.1.4 Convergence Rate of ESD  1.1.5 Circular Law  1.1.6 Central Limit Theory (CLT) of Linear Spectral Statistics  1.1.7 Limiting Distributions of Extreme Eigenvalues and Spacings  1.2 Applications to Wireless Communications  1.3 Applications to Finance Statistics2 Limiting Spectral Distributions  2.1  Semi-circular Law  2.1.1 The lid Case  2.1.2  Independent but not Identically Distributed   2.2  Marcenko-Pastur Law  2.2.1 MP Law for lid Case  2.2.2 Generalization to the Non-lid Case  2.2.3 Proof of Theorem 2.11 by Stieltjes Transform   2.3 LSD of Products  2.3.1 Existence of the ESD of SnTn  2.3.2 Truncation of the ESD of Tn  2.3.3 Truncation, Centralization and Rescaling of the  X-variables  2.3.4 Sketch of the Proof of Theorem 2.12  2.3.5 LSD of F Matrix  2.3.6 Sketch of the Proof of Theorem 2.14    2.3.7 When T is a Wigner Matrix    2.4 Hadamard Product  4   2.4.1 Truncation and Centralization   2.4.2 Outlines of Proof of the theorem   2.5 Circular Law  2.5.1 Failure of Techniques Dealing with Hermitian Matrices   2.5.2 Revisit of Stieltjes Transformation  2.5.3 A Partial Answer to the Circular Law  2.5.4 Comments and Extensions of Theorem 2.333 Extreme Eigenvalues  3.1  Wigner Matrix  3.2 Sample Covariance Matrix   3.2.1 Spectral Radius  3.3  Spectrum Separation  3.4 Tracy-Widom Law   3.4.1 TW Law for Wigner Matrix  3.4.2 TW Law for Sample Covariance Matrix4 CLT of LSS  4.1 Motivation and Strategy  4.2 CLT of LSS for Wigner Matrix  4.2.1 Outlines of the Proof  4.3 CLT of LSS for Sample Covariance Matrices    4.4 F Matrix  4.4.1 Decomposition of Xnf  4.4.2 Limiting Distribution of X+nf  4.4.3 Limiting Distribution of Xnf5 Limiting Behavior of Eigenmatrix of Sample Covariance Matrix  5.1 Earlier Work by Silverstein  5.2 Further Extension of Silverstein's Work  5.3 Projecting the Eigenmatrix to a d-Dimensional Space  5.3.1 Main Results  5.3.2 Sketch of Proof of Theorem 5.19  5.3.3 Proof of Corollary 5.236 Applications to Wireless Communications  6.1 Introduction  6.2 Channel Models.  6.2.1 Basics of Wireless Communication Systems  ……7 Limiting Performances of Linear and Iterative Receivers8 Applications to Finace StatisticsReferencesIndex


In applications of the asymptotic theorems of spectral analysis of large di-mensional random matrices, two important problems arose after the LSD wasfound. The first is the bound on extreme eigenvalues; the second is the con-vergence rate of the ESD, with respect to sample size. For the first problem,the literature is extensive. The first success was due to Geman (1980), whoproved that the largest eigenvalue of a sample covariance matrix convergesalmost surely to a limit under a growth condition on all the moments of theunderlying distribution. Yin, Bai, and Krishnaiah (1988) proved the same re-sult under the existence of the 4th order moment, and Bai, Silverstein, andYin (1988) proved that the existence of the 4th order moment is also necessaryfor the existence of the limit. Bai and Yin (1988b) found the necessary andsufficient conditions for almost sure convergence of the largest eigenvalue of aWigner matrix. By the symmetry between the largest and smallest eigenval-ues of a Wigner matrix, the necessary and sufficient conditions for almost sureconvergence of the smallest eigenvalue of a Wigner matrix were also found. Comparing to almost sure convergence of the largest eigenvalue of a sam-ple covariance matrix, a relatively harder problem is to find the limit of thesmallest eigenvalue of a large dimensional sample covariance matrix. The firstattempt made in Yin, Bai, and Krishnaiah (1983) proved that the almost surelimit of the smallest eigenvalue of a Wishart matrix has a positive lower boundwhen the ratio of dimension to the degrees of freedom is less than 1/2.






    高维随机矩阵的谱理论及其在无线通信和金融统计中的应用 PDF格式下载

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  •   白老师的书《大维随机矩阵的谱分析》写的和印刷的都不错,希望这本书,中国科大出版社能出好,而白老师也不只是把另外一本书上的东西完全COPY过来!呵呵,今天收到了,没想象的好。随机矩阵部分基本是另一本专著的简写。

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