
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社  作者:姚新,李学龙,陶大程 编著  页数:307  






Preface to the USTC Alumni's SeriesPreface1 Adaptive Particle Filters 1.1  Bayesian Filtering for Dynamic State Estimation    1.1.1  State and Observation Models   1.1.2  Bayesian Filtering Method 1.2  Fundamentals of Particle Filters     1.2.1  Sequential Monte Carlo Method   1.2.2  Basic Particle Filtering Algorithms 1.3  Challenging Issues in Particle Filtering   1.3.1  Unknown or Varying State Model   1.3.2  Construction of Proposal Density   1.3.3  Determination of Sample Size    1.3.4  Curse of Dimensionality  1.4  Adaptive Particle Filtering Algorithms   1.4.1  Algorithms with Adaptive Sample Size.   1.4.2  Algorithms with Adaptive Proposal:Density    1.4.3  Other Related Algorithms 1.5  Summary References   Brief Introduction of Authors2 Feature Localization and Shape Indexing for Content Based Image Retrieval 2.1  Introduction  2.2  Locales for Feature Localization   2.3  Search by Object Model 2.4  Shape Indexing and Recognition 2.5  Experimental Results    2.5.1  Search Using Locale-based Models   2.5.2  Video Locales  2.5.3  Shape Indexing and Recognition 2.6  Conclusion   References   Brief Introduction of Authors3 BlueGene/L Failure Analysis and Prediction Models 3.1  Introduction  3.2  BlueGene/L Architecture, RAS Event Logs, and Job Logs  3.2.1  BlueGene/L Architecture  3.2.2  RAS Event Logs  3.2.3  Job Logs    3.3  Impact of Failures on Job Executions  3.4  Failure Prediction Based on Failure Characteristics  3.4.1  Temporal Characteristics  3.4.2  Spatial Characteristics   3.5  Predicting Failures Using the Occurrence of Non-Fatal Events  3.6  Related Work  3.7  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  References  Brief Introduction of Authors4 A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach towards Adaptive Intrusion Tolerant Database Systems 4.1  Overview  4.2  ITDB architecture  4.3  The Need for Adaptivity   4.4  Intelligent Techniques Solutions in Adaptive ITDB  4.5  Intelligent Techniques Solutions in Adaptive ITDB 4.6  The Design of Reconfiguration Components  4.7  Performance Metrics for Adaptive ITDB  4.8  Adaptation Criteria  4.9  The Rule-Based Adaptive Controller  4.10 The Neuro-Fuzzy Adaptive Controller  4.11 The collection of training data  4.12 Evaluation Methodology  4.12.1 Transaction Simulation  4.12.2 Evaluation Criteria  4.13 Evaluation of NFAC and RBAC Performance  4.14 Conclusion……


插图:The likelihood-based adaptation method is developed for the SIR particle filtering algorithm and it has been applied to the dynamic Bayesian net- works [17] and mobile robot localization applications [10]. In the likelihood- based method, the sample size is determined based on the likelihood of observations; more specifically, at each iteration of particle filtering, particles are generated until the sum of the unnormalized likelihoods (i.e., the unnorrealized importance weights given in Equation (1.14)) exceeds a pre-specified threshold. Thus, in essence, such a method is based on a fixed sum of the un- normalized weights rather than a fixed sample size [17]. The likelihood-based method is easy to implement.The likelihood-based adaptation method may be justified intuitively: if the sample set is well in tune with the observations, each individual importance weight is large and the sample set remains small, which is typically the case in tracking; however, if the observations carry a lot of surprises, as is the case in initial estimation, the individual particle weights are small and the sample set becomes large [11].  Such a method may be viewed as a type of active learning, where the learning algorithm has the ability to ask for more data when necessary [17].  It is well known that the variance of the importance sampler is a function of the mismatch between the proposal density and the target density [25]. The likelihood-based adaptation method directly relates the sample size with this mismatch.  But, unfortunately, such a mismatch is not always an accurate indicator for the necessary number of particles. In addition, in some scenarios, a few particles with very large importance weights may terminate the sampling-process prematurely. Thus, as discussed in [ii], the likelihood-based method may not always provide the proper adaptation that is needed in particle filtering.






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