
出版时间:2012-6  出版社:兰州大学出版社  作者:姚丹 编  页数:106  




第一周Just Say "Hello!"I Should Start Early第二周My SchoolHer Name Is Gao Qian第三周My Lost Pencil CaseHave a Holiday with Families第四周My StudyTo Leave Time behind You第五周A New SupermarketLove第六周A Box Full of LOveA Good Learner第七周Big BenBeing a Polite Boy第八周BirthdaysBeautiful Autumn第九周The Old CatThe Chinese Helen Keller第十周Welcome to Our Football ClubLittle Henry第十一周TearsJohn' s Letter第十二周Bill GatesTom's Birthday Present第十三周A Young Bird in WindSet the Clock第十四周Little Deer and His FatherLily Is Not a Lazy Girl第十五周The SpotArmless Piano Player--Liu Wei第十六周A Wolf and a LambMaking Rain第十七周Michael JacksonTwo Frogs第十八周The History of Teddy BearMy First Ski Lesson阅读习惯与阅读技巧第十九周The Boxer and the RunnerA Clever Dog第二十周I Will Be a TeacherHope第二十一周Barry's Collections( Ⅰ)Barry's Collections( Ⅱ)第二十二周A Clever TigerWater City Venice第二十三周A Great DreamTraffic Signals第二十四周My Grandmother' s BirthdayDeng Yaping and Her "Practice"第二十五周A Circle Loses an AngleK Day第二十六周The Sun Says to You( Ⅰ )The Sun Says to You( Ⅱ)第二十七周One Dog or Two?Why Hit the Baby第二十八周The Value of the AdvicePopular Sports in the USA第二十九周An Old HatThe Interesting Animal World第三十周True FriendsA Bad Song第三十一周Where Is My Fish?Food第三十二周Restaurant Run by ChildrenMa Huateng and His QQ第三十三周The River ThamesApril Fools' Day第三十四周Choose the Names for BabiesA Small Black Lamb第三十五周Qiantang Tidal BoreA Siory of Peter第三十六周TeaDreams精读与泛读第三十七周Fire NoticeTo Be with Her第三十八周Dad' s ShoesGolden Hawaii第三十九周No Smoking, PleaseThe Weather第四十周Watching TVCollecting Stamps第四十一周Dogsled RaceSydney Opera House第四十二周Boston Children's MuseumA Special Kind of Bird第四十三周The Crow and the DoveCharles Dickens第四十四周London Olympic MascotsSchool Subjects in America第四十五周The Movie That Changes My LifeAutumn Haze第四十六周Grass at the Back DoorFred' s Dog第四十七周The Reason for LateA Future Millionaire第四十八周New York CityHelping Others第四十九周Differences in LanguagesHow to Keep Healthy第五十周A Story of Grandma's DrivingChinatown in San Francisco第五十一周A "Stupid" BirdThe Bicycle第五十二周Thomas Edison's Early LifeWalking in Japan阅读理解四点拨


  Set the Clock  威廉的钟表店,每天都有一位神秘客人。  William is a clockmaker. He has a clock shop in a town. Every day a young man stops by, looks intothe window and then walks away as fast as he could.  One day the clockmaker asks the young man, "Why don't you come into the shop? Come in, please. Ican show you my clocks." The young man says, "No, thank you. I don't want to buy any clocks. I'm thetimekeeper for the town. I have to ring the bells at twelve o'clock every day. Sometimes my time is fasterthan yours. So I have to come here to set my clock."  "Ah! " says the clockmaker, "You're a very careful timekeeper, but I set my clock every day when Ihear your bells! "  Words Bank  clockmaker n. 制造或修理钟表者town n. 市镇,城镇  timekeeper n. 计时员 careful adj. 小心的,仔细的  Main Structure  *stop by顺便访问  If you are in town,be sure to stop by.如果你来镇上了,记得顺便过来坐坐。  *look into窥视,浏览,观察  Every time I look into your eyes.每次我凝望你的双眼。  *walk away走开,离开  Don't walk away.I have something to tell you.别走开,我有事和你说。  Translation  对 时  威廉是个钟表匠,在城里开了一家钟表店。每天都有一位年轻人路过逗留,透过窗户往店里看看,然后很快地走开。  一天,钟表匠问年轻人:“为什么不进来呢?请进!我来介绍一下我的这些钟表吧。”年轻人说:“不用了,谢谢您,我不打算买表。我是城市计时员,每天必须在12点的时候鸣钟。有时候我的表比你的快一些,因此我来这里对时。”  “啊!”钟表匠说,“你真是个细心的计时员。但是我每天都是听到你的鸣钟后对时的!”  Quote Miracles sometimes occur,but one has to work terribly for them.奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命努力。  ……



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