出版时间:2011-9 出版社:兰州大学出版社 作者:徐国柱 等 著 页数:317
1 INTRODUCTION TO FLT1.1 Language Teaching Methodology1.2 History of Foreign Language Teaching2 SCHOOLS OF FLT2.1 Grammar-Tra_lation Method2.2 Direct Method2.3 Audio-Lingual Method2.4 Situational Method2.5 Cognitive Approach2.6 Suggestopedia2.7 Community Language Learning2.8 Communicative Language Teaching2.9 The Silent Way2.10 Total Physical Respo_e2.11 Natural Approach2.12 Schema Theory Model2.13 Whole Language Approach2.14 Content- Based I_truction2.15 Task=Based Language Teaching2.16 Participatory Approaches3 DISCUSSION ON3.1 Acquisition or Learning3.2 Language Tra_fer3.3 Interlanguage & Fossilization3.4 Learner Strategies3.5 Collaborative & Cooperative Learning3.6 Cross- Culture Communication3.7 Contextualization3.8 Motivating I_tead of Managing3.9 Computer Assisted I_truction(CAI) & Computer Assisted Learning(CAL)3.10 FLT Innovation4 SYLLABUS DESIGN4.1 Definition of Syllabus4.2 Components of Syllabus Design4.3 Functio_ of Syllabus4.4 Types of Syllabus5 LESSON DESIGN5.1 Introduction to Lesson Design5.2 Items of Lesson Design5.3 Problems in Preparing Lesso_5.4 Collective Lesson Design5.5 Structure of Lesson Design6 LESSON INTERPRETATION6.1 Introduction to Lesson Interpretation6.2 Significance of Lesson Interpretation6.3 Principles of Lesson Interpretation6.4 Contents of Lesson Interpretation6.5 Patter_ of Lesson Interpretation6.6 Requirements of Lesson Interpretation7 LESSON OBSERVATION & EVALUATION7.1 Introduction to Lesson Observation & Evaluation7.2 Aim of Lesson Observation7.3 Criteria for Lesson Observation7.4 Types of Lesson Observation7.5 Procedures for Lesson Observation7.6 Lesson Evaluation7.7 Lesson Evaluation Report8 LANGUAGE TESTING8.1 Academic Development of LT8.2 Significance of LT8.3 Objectives of LT8.4 Types of LT8.5 Facto_ of LT8.6 Design of LT8.6.1 Testing listening8.6.2 Testing speaking8.6.3 Testing vocabulary8.6.4 Testing grammar8.6.5 Testing reading8.6.6 Testing writing8.6.7 Testing tra_lation8.7 Language Testing & Foreign Language Teaching9 STRATEGIES OF TEACHING & LEARNING9.1 Goals & Methods for Language Teaching & Learning9.1.1 Communicative competence9.1.2 Learner-centred i_truction9.1.3 Guidelines for i_truction9.2 Teaching Listening9.2.1 Discussion on listening9.2.2 Goals & techniques for teaching listening9.2.3 Developing listening skills9.2.4 Developing listening activities9.2.5 Assessing listening proficiency9.3 Teaching Speaking9.3.1 Discussion on speaking9.3.2 Goals & techniques for teaching speaking9.3.3 Developing speaking skills9.3.4 Developing speaking activities9.3.5 Assessing speaking proficiency9.4 Teaching Reading9.4.1 Discussion on reading9.4.2 Goals & techniques for teaching reading9.4.3 Developing reading skills9.4.4 Developing reading activities9.4.5 Assessing reading proficiency9.5 Teaching Writing9.5.1 Discussion on writing9.5.2 Goals & techniques for teaching writing9.5.3 Developing writing skills9.5.4 Developing writing activities9.5.5 Assessing writing proficiency9.6 Teaching Tra_lation9.6.1 Discussion on teaching tra_lation9.6.2 Goals & techniques for teaching tra_lation9.6.3 Strategies for learning tra_lation9.6.4 Developing tra_lation activities9.6.5 Assessing tra_lation proficiency9.7 Teaching Grammar9.7.1 Discussion on teaching grammar9.7.2 Goals & techniques for teaching grammar9.7.3 Strategies for learning grammar9.7.4 Developing grammar activities9.7.5 Assessing grammar proficiency9.8 Teaching Culture9.8.1 Discussion on teaching culture9.8.2 Goals and techniques for teaching culture9.8.3 Strategies for learning about culture9.8.4 Developing culture learning activities9.8.5 Assessing knowledge of culture10 TEACHING PRACTICE10.1 Definition of Teaching Practice10.2 Aims of Teaching Practice10.3 Principles in Teaching Practice10.4 Steps of Teaching Practice10.5 Activities of Teaching Practice10.6 Supervision of Teaching Practice10.7 Roles of Superviso_10.8 Evaluation of Teaching Practice10.9 Outcomes of Teaching Practice10.10 Suggestio_11 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT11.1 Makings of Classroom Management11.2 Discipline in the Language Classroom11.3 Promoting a Harmonious Classroom Environment11.4 Learner Grouping11.5 Classroom Activities11.6 Teacher's Role11.7 Learne_' Role11.8 Unde_tanding Learne_12 COURSEWARE DESIGN12.1 Cou_eware in Education12.2 Features of Cou_eware12.3 Requirements of Good Cou_eware12.4 Types of Cou_eware12.5 Steps of Cou_eware Design12.6 Tools for Making Cou_eware12.7 Evaluation of Cou_eware12.8 Suggestio_ for Cou_eware Design13 RESEARCH PAPER WRITING13.1 Introduction to Research Paper Writing13.2 Types of Research Pape_13.3 Structure of Research Pape_13.4 Steps of Writing Research Pape_13.5 Problems in Research Paper Writing13.6 Dissertation Proposal13.7 Thesis Proposal14 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF FL TEACHERS14.1 Defining Professional Development14.2 Challenges for Foreign Language Teache_14.3 Necessity of Professional Development14.4 Professional Standards for Foreign Language Teache_14.5 Skills & Knowledge Required for Teacher Competency14.6 Approaches for Professional Development14.7 Strategies for Professional Development14.8 Internet & Professional Development14.9 Recommendatio_ for Teacher EducationBIBLIOGRAPHY