
出版时间:2012-12  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:丁夏林  


《血统、文化身份与美国化:美国华裔小说主题研究》共分三章,另有一个绪论和结语,借用索罗斯(Werner Sollors)曾经提出的“血统世系”(descent)与“文化认同”(consent)这两个概念,对所选定的12部华裔美国英文小说(包括传记)中的族裔经验与文化认同进行系统考察,旨在揭示其对作品人物的美国化过程的促进或抑制作用,探讨文学人物乃至作家本人的“美国化”运行轨迹。




Acknowledgments Preface Abbreviations Introduction ChapterOneTheCulturalPoliticsoftheGenerationGap GoodMedicineTastesBitter:CulturalIdentity(Re)formationin LouisChu'sEataBowlofTea LikeFather,LikeSon?:IntergenerationalConflictinPardee Lowe'sFatherandGloriousDescendant Thebeginningishers,theending,mine:Mother-DaughterTalking StoriesinMaxineHongKingston'sTheWomanWarrior Yourmotherisinyourblood:TheMother-DaughterBondinAmy Tan'sTheJoyLuckClub ChapterTwoThePoliticsandArtofClaimingAmerica TheMakingofanAmerican:ANewHistoricistInterpretationof MaxineHongKingston'sChinaMen FromCulturalNationalismtoAmericanism:FrankChin'sDonald DukinPerspective RebelwithaCause:JadeSnowWong'sAmericanDreaminherFifth ChineseDaughter ShawnWong'sQuestforaLonelyHeritageinhisHomebase ChapterThreeAmericanizationanditsDiscontents AmericawasnoAmerica:CulturalDisillusionmentinGishJen's TypicalAmerican Paperismorepreciousthanblood':AlienationandAbjectioninFae MyenneNg'sBone SparetheRod,SpoiltheChild?:AmericanizationasViolencein GusLee'sChinaBoy NatureversusNurture:AnAnatomyofAmericanizationinEricLiu's TheAccidentalAsian Conclusion Bibliography


版权页:   When taken as a postcolonial and postmodern text, Homebase ismeant to restore "the beautiful and glorious past," and the heroicdimensions of the experiences of Chinese American pioneers together withthe persecution, oppression and discrimination they suffer along the way.This has been achieved by narrating a number of personal journeys onairplanes, on trains, in cars or on foot,'linking the four generations of sonsand forefathers, whose varied contributions to Californian history remainunmarked in official history books. Most prominently, this tale includescollective grievances, which are shown in the continent-spanning labor ofthe protagonist's almost forgotten forefathers. Suddenly left alone in thisworld, Rainsford has to keep on driving to maintain his sanity: "When Istarted driving, I used to drive around at night through the hills, throughempty streets, just drive around at night to keep from thinking about thepursuit of my own life" (H 10). Here, driving on an open road,traditionally linked to American—style freedom, has for him become a wayof escaping from his pain of loss. Besides, it is pregnant with culturalconnotations, revealed in this sentence: "I move across America pickingup ghosts" (H 33). Here, the ghosts refer to those whose bodies were lyinghere and there, unclaimed and unattended to by white Americans. Sincethey have literally merged with the American land, Chan feels acommunion with the land itself. In other words, he has come to claimAmerica by claiming his ancestors as real and deserving Americans whoshould not be easily forgotten as such.





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