
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:张尚莲 编  页数:169  




Lesson one
 Text: Two Truths to Live by
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson two
 Text: Finally, I Savor the Gratitude of Graduation
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson three
 Text: Chemist Leo Baekeland
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson four
 Text: Commencement of Public Subscription Library
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson five
 Text: Active and Passive Euthanasia
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson six
 Text: Neet Generation
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson seven
 Text: Move over, Big Brother
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson eight
 Text: The Preface of Silent Spring
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson nine
 Text: This Was My Mother
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson ten
 Text: Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson eleven
 Text: Keesh
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson twelve
 Text: The World As I See It
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson thirteen
 Text: West Meets East
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson fourteen
 Text: Five Paradoxes of the New Economy
 Supplementary Reading
Lesson fifteen
 Text: Profiting from Friendships at Work
 Supplementary Reading


  [ 5 ] I remembered, too, the feeling of anti-climax that had followed hard upon the euphoria of myown graduation. After all the celebration and congratulations had ebbed, I'd begun to consider what it was that I held in my hand, what I had accomplished, what all those years of xudy meant. It would be decades before I sorted it all out, but by commencement evening I had begun to glimpse the fearsome hollow of unlimited possibility, the abyss of boundless freedom.  [ 6 ] Until that m  ment, life had been carefully scripted. I knew what was expected of me year after year. what I expected of myself. But now I was on my own, free to enter the job market or apply to graduate school, to travel or write, to marry and start a family. Or perhaps I would discover some wholly new and transformative path not yet pursued.  [ 7 ] Then, too, I was free simply to stagnate in indecision. After all those years of study I felt oddly unprepared for life. Within days of my release from academia I yearned anew for its comfortable routines. Where would self-esteem and accomplishment come from without the annual rites and rewards of the school year? I was not prepared to be set adrift upon an indifferent sea of infinite potential.   ……



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