
出版时间:2010-11  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:高佑梅  页数:259  




Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Terminology1.2 Background and motivation1.3 Methodology1.4 Organizational structureChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Approaches studying L1 influence on L2 acquisition research2.2 Influential methodologies in L2 acquisition2.3 Emergence ofcontemporary CL approachChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Theories of metaphor3.2 The conceptual metaphor theory3.3 The image schema theory3.4 Hierarchical frameworkChapter 4 Theoretical Support4.1 Supports from dual coding theory4.2 Supports from trace theory ofmemory4.3 Supports from psychological reality ofhierarchical structuresChapter 5 Methodology:An Empirical Study of Chinese EFL Learners5.1 Objective5.2 Research questions and hypotheses5.3 Research design5.4 InstrumentsChapter 6 Data CoHection6.1 Introduction:Four classroom experiments6.2 Experiment 1 for hypothesis 16.3 Experiment 2 for hypothesis 26.4 Experiment 3 for hypothesis 36.5 Experiment 4 for hypothesis 4Chapter 7 Data Analysis7.1 Introduction:Minitab one-way ANOVA versus Group7.2 Minitab one-way ANOVA:Proficiency test7.3 Minitab one-way ANOVA:Four classroom experiments7.4 Minitab one-way ANOVA:The final comprehensive test for Hypothesis 57.5 Minitab one-way ANOVA:The follow-up test six months after four experimentsChapter 8 Conclusions and Implications8.1 An overview ofthe present study8.2 A summary ofthe results from data analysis8.3 A summary ofmajor findings ofthe present study8.4 Conclusions and implications8.5 Limitations ofthe present study8.6 Recommendations for further studiesReferences




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