出版时间:2010-4 出版社:南开大学出版社 作者:国庆祝 编 页数:163
“英语广播”是英语专业及非英语专业高级听力的必修课。《初级英语广播听力教程》与《高级英语广播听力教程》以及相应MP3听力光盘正是为本课程教学需要而编纂的。两本书各18个单元,以满足一个学期的教学需要。每个单元有一个主题,像“联合国”、“战争与和平”、“宇宙与人”、“国际互访”、“社会与文化”等,使学生在一个单元里尽可能集中地了解有关词汇。另外,每个单元都提供了相关的文化背景知识,使学生在提高听力水平的同时加深文化背景的积淀。在单元结构上,我们强调了与学生的互动。每个单元的内容由浅入深,由短渐长。练习力求多样性,既有填空、声音辨析、多项选择、对错选择等简单问题,又有评述性问题和讨论题。在每本书的后面还有录音文本及参考答案和大量的附录,供学生参考使用。 《初级英语广播听力教程》以“美国之音”慢速英语为主。《高级英语广播听力教程》以“美国之音”和英国广播公司的常速英语广播为主。两本书章节基本相同,可以结合使用,以促进学生听力水平的快速提高。本书可供大学非英语专业本、专科学生,英语专业高、中、低各年级学生以及各种英语培训班使用。在材料的选择上,我们注意了新闻观点的倾向性,删除了一些歪曲或不实的报道,确保正确的舆论导向。本书还附加一张光盘,供学生自己参考、学习。
Unit 1 Nuclear WeaponsUnit 2 Natural DisastersUnit 3 Human Rights IssuesUnit 4 Intemational ConflictsUnit 5 ElectionsUnit 6 The United NationsUnit 7 War and PeaceUnit 8 AgreementsUnit 9 Change of Govemment Officials Unit 10 Stnkes and ProtestsUnit 11 Intemational Aid and LoansUnit 12 Business NewsUnit 13 TbrrDriSmUnit 14 Space and ManUnit 15 Intemational VisitsUnit 16 Sports and EntertainmentsUnit 17 Science and TechnologyUnit 18 Society and CultureReference Answers&TapescdptsAppendix I 英语国家省、州及首府Appendix Il 美国主要机构及职务名称AppendixIII 英国重要机构及职务名称Appendix IV 美国主要节假日与特殊节假日Appendix V 英国主要法定或公定假日Appendix Vl 部分国家议会特殊名称Appendix VIl 世界主要通讯社Appendix VIIl “美国之音”特别英语常用词汇表
e rectangular coastal area with about 1.3 m people (2003), 140 sq mi in Southwest of Asia, on the Mediterranean Sea adjoining Egypt and Israel. Now it is administered by the Palestinian Authority. It is e densely populated and impoverished region inhabited primanly by Palastinian refugees; the majority of whom live in large, overcrowded refugee camps. The city of Gaze is the principal city and administrative canter. The actual control of the area is in the hands of the govemmant dominated by Haines. Israel controls the strips airspace and offshore madtime access. West Bank is a landlocked territory on the west bank of the Jordan River in the Middle East. Since 1967 most of the West Bank has been under israeli military occupation. With the exception of East Jerusalem it was not annexed by Israel, although most of the West Bank remains under Israeli military occupation. Most of the residents are Palestinians, although large numbers of Israeli settlements have also been built in the region.