
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:汪士彬  页数:317  


本书在选材中特别重视筛选新兴学科和内容新颖的文章,绝大部分选自近5年来一些知识面宽、科学性强、趣味性浓的英语科普读物,使学生读来津津有味,妙趣横生,拓宽见闻,知识倍增。同时,所选文章均出自科学名家之手,遣词造句文从字顺,语言规范,情景交融,使学生读来心领神会,易于吸收。编排时,力求由简而繁,由浅入深,循序渐进,使学生在快速阅读中提高语言素养,学会地道的英语,过好阅读关。    本书内容丰富,涉猎广泛,题材力求多样化。其中包括通俗科普和边缘学科的最新报道、科学研究及一些宝贵资料。


再版前言使用说明实践篇  Unit One  Why NASA Barred Women Astronauts    Timed Reading: Shuttle Launched: One Giant Leap for Womankind  Unit Two  H1N1 (Swine) Flu    Timed Reading: Coping with Colds  Unit Three  Computers in Cars    Timed Reading: Two Views on Neural Computers  Unit Four  Giraffes    Timed Reading: Gorilla Is Not as Mean as It Looks  Unit Five  Building a Food Pyramid    Timed Reading: In Search of the Perfect French Fry  Unit Six  Chew for Health    Timed Reading: Chew on This: Gum May Be Good for Body, Mind  Unit Seven  "Fat" Gene Found by Scientists    Timed Reading: Kids with Obesity-linked Gene Like Fattening Foods  Unit Eight  Can Laughter Cure Illness?    Timed Reading: Are Happy People Healthier?  Unit Nine  Four Ways to Achieve Greater Happiness in Your Life    Timed Reading: Depression  Unit Ten  Teens and Plastic Surgery    Timed Reading: Risks and Rewards of Plastic Surgery  Unit Eleven  Wind Power May Have Its Own Environmental Problems    Timed Reading: White Roofs to Fight Global Warming  Unit Twelve  Greenhouse Effect for Kids    Timed Reading: Facts about the Greenhouse Effect  Unit Thirteen  The Greenest Green Energy--Fuel from Algae    Timed Reading: Alternative Energy  Unit Fourteen  Ten Freaky Forces of Nature    Timed Reading: Raining Animals and Coins: Mystery of the History  Unit Fifteen  Blue If You Want to Be Creative, Red If You Want to Be Diligent    Timed Reading: How Do We See Red? Count the Ways  Unit Sixteen  Short Sleeper    Timed Reading: Genetic Mutation May Be Why Some People Need Less Sleep Than Others  Unit Seventeen  Cloning    Timed Reading: How Do I Know if I'm Eating Cloned Meat?  Unit Eighteen  The Internet Is Sick...    Timed Reading: The Future of the Internet  Unit Nineteen  Could Life on Earth Have Come from Ceres?    Timed Reading: Life's Evolution May Depend on Galaxy  Unit Twenty  Pyramids    Timed Reading: Egyptian Lion Mummy Found in Ancient Tomb真题篇  Test 1 CET-4 2009年6月    How Do You See Diversity?  Test 2  CET-4 2008年12月    That's Enough, Kids  Test 3 CET-4 2008年6月    Media Selection for Advertisements  Test 4 CET-4 2007年12月    Universities Branch Out  Test 5 CET-4 2007年6月    Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting Online  Test 6 CET-6 2009年6月    Helicopter Moms vs. Free-range Kids  Test7 CET-6 2008年12月    Supersize Surprise  Test 8 CET-6, 2008年6月    What Will the World Be Like in Fifty Years?  Test 9  CET-6, 2007年12月    Seven Ways to Save the World  Test 10 CET-6, 2007年6月    Seven Steps to a More Fulfilling JobAnswer Keys





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