
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:苏立昌  页数:337  


继20世纪80年代我国普通高校陆续开设语言学概论课程以来,先后有多部适于不同需求的英语语言学教程问世。这些教程的出版,对介绍当今语言学的最新理论,普及语言学的基础知识,以及不断提高语言学概论课程的教学质量无疑起到了积极的推动作用。但是,我们在教材的使用过程中也发现,有些教材虽然涉及的面较宽,但理论介绍过于繁琐,学生掌握起来感到困难。而另外一些教材虽非常通俗易懂,但对本科高年级的学生来说又略显单薄,不够解渴。面临教学中的实际困难,我们试图在现有教材的基础之上,博采众家之长,避某些教材之短,编写出一部既能较好介绍语言学的核心理论,如语音、形态、句法、语义等基础理论,又能较全面介绍语言学相关知识的简明语言学教程。同时,我们还将重要的知识点编成强化训练题,对教材的部分内容加以补充,以便于学生学习和掌握教材中的关键内容,可以帮助学生课外学习。        该教材主要包括语言学基础理论和相关知识两个部分。语言学基础理论部分主要包括语音学、形态学、句法学、语义学、语用学和社会语言学等的介绍。其中,特别增加了介绍概念隐喻认知语言学基础理论的章节。


Chapter 1  Invitations to Linguistics  Chapter 2  Phonology  Chapter 3  Morphology  Chapter 4  Syntax Chapter 5  Semantics  Chapter 6  Pragmatics  Chapter 7  Language and Society  Chapter 8  Language Change  Chapter 9  Language and Culture  Chapter 10  Cognitive Linguistics  Key Words  Comprehensive Tests and Answers  Appendix I  Theories and Schools of Modem Linguistics  Appendix II  Linguists  Appendix III  History of English  Appendix IV  History of Linguistics  Appendix V  Animal Communication  References


  There is much to be said about the roles associated with these input mental spaces.One works in a butcher shop full of the carcasses of animals and the other is surrounded by an expe~team of assistants in a sterilized environment.The butcher hacks away at body parts with a meat cleaver while the surgeon uses a scalpel to operate on his patient.What Fauconnier wants to highlight is that information about the roles of the surgeon and the butcher can be found in the generic space.The input spaces are projected into the mental space of the blendwhere several processes take place.One of‘these new processes is composition.The prqiections from the input spaces make new relationships available in the blend that did not occur before.There iS also a process of completion which allows knowledge of background flames,cognitive and cultural models to be viewed as a Palt of a larger self-contained structure in the blend.The patterns triggered by the inherited structures are completed Into the larger emergent structure.Finally,there is a process of elaboration in which the structures are elaborated or simulated(running the blend)in accordalice with the new logic of that mental space.  In a late work,Fauconnier and Turner(2002)expanded their concept of conceptual blends.They addressed the phenomenon of imagination,not to celebrate it,but to make a science of it.111ey argued that conceptual integration is at the heart of.the process of imagination.In the process of conceptual integration,for example,input mental spaces are projected into a blended space and develop emergent structures through composition,completion and elaboration.This fundamental cognitive operation,




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  •   内容充实 虽然不乏难点 但是细细读来还是受益匪浅
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