
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:苏立昌 编  页数:511  


  American Society and Culture, a textbook designed for the English majors in four-year colleges and universities, aims at broadening the vision of students in their acquisition of the basic skills of English language at college. As a book of introduction to American society and culture, it covers a wide range of topics on early and modern American society and culture, so as to provide students with an overall view of the social and cultural life in the United States.  Different from other textbooks on the United States, American Society and Culture dwells not only on the traditional social and cultural issues of the United States, but also on other aspects of concern in American society and culture, such as American college life. In order to let students have some fresh air in the reading, the format of the book has been changed somewhat with each chapter beginning with an introduction followed by one to two pieces of selected reading from reliable sources. The contents of the book are so designed just to let students have more access to the latest information on the discussed issues and have a better understanding of the issues through different perspectives.


  American Society and Culture, a textbook designed for the English majors in four-year colleges and universities, aims at broadening the vision of students in their acquisition of the basic skills of English language at college. As a book of introduction to American society and culture, it covers a wide range of topics on early and modern American society and culture, so as to provide students with an overall view of the social and cultural life in the United States.


Chapter 1 The American Land: An Overall ViewChapter 2 Early Settlers in AmericaChapter 3 Ethnic Minorities in the United StatesChapter 4 American Government and PoliticsChapter 5 American EconomyChapter 6 Law and Judicial System in the United StatesChapter 7 Religion in AmericaChapter 8 American Social ValuesChapter 9 American MediaChapter 10  American Social WelfareChapter 11  Women in AmericaChapter 12  American FamilyChapter 13  Marriage and Divorce in AmericaChapter 14  Mass Leisure in AmericaChapter 15  American SportsChapter 16  American EducationChapter 17  American College LifeBibliography


  Chapter l The American Land: An Overall View  The United States of America, usually referred to as the United States, is a country full of diversity. It is so large and has so many kinds of land, climate and people. It stretches 2,575 kilometers from north to south, 4,500 kilometers from east to west. The mainland of the country lies in central North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west.  There are 50 states in the United States. The two newest states, Alaska and Hawaii, are separated from the continental United States: Alaska borders on northwestern Canada, and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific. All the other 48 states are on the mainland.  The Face of the Land  Much of the geography and history of the United States was determined some 10,000 and 25,000 years ago. At that time the northern part of the Central Agricultural Basin--one of the richest farming areas in the world, was created through the movement of the ice cap. Next the face of the American land will be described.



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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   内容比较充实,作为一本课外的读物增长识闻还是很不错的。就是书的冯淼稍微有一点脏。
  •   书还行,就是封面有点旧,有点脏。
  •   当当的送货很准时很负责,赞一个。包装也不错!
  •   作为不得不买的教科书,86折的折扣略显高,不过由于要得比较急,附近的书店也没有这书,当当还是相当方便和便利的。再加上免了运费,很划算。就是书可能放得太久了,封皮有些旧。

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