出版时间:2005-12 出版社:南开大学出版社 作者:张文起 页数:185 字数:304000
在大学英语四、六级考试中,英语写作占5分。有些考生以为作文题难得分,因此在考前的复习过程中往往忽略作文训练,这是不明智的。 近年来,在四、六级考试中规定了作文的最低分数线(即6分为及格分)。作文分数是O分时,考生的全部成绩无效,这个规定把作文的重要性提高到了一个空前的高度。 写作是反映学生实际语言水平的一种综合能力。要求学生在语法结构、词汇运用、遣词造句、谋篇布局诸方面都要注意。写作能力的提高;是英语知识全面提高的标志,不仅有助于学生通过四、六级、考研、TOPEL等写作考试,更重要的是使学生真正学会运用英语来表达思想,从而把英语学习提高到一个新的水平。 新《大学英语教学大纲》对写作一项提出了新的教学要求。本书就是以新大纲为宗旨编写的。本书为参加四、六级统考的考生提供了写作范文125篇,其中包括议论文,图表作文和情景作文和应用文。特别是情景作文是近年来四*、六级考试的热门题材。每篇作文都有中文译文,大部分范文后面还加了简单的注释和“相关表达法”一项。所选题目取材广泛,内容丰富,大多涉及热门话题。 出版本书的目的是使考生通过大量阅读范文,熟悉四、六级作文的思路,掌握不同题目的要点,摸索写作方法,起到抛砖引玉的作用。 由于作者水平有限,在编写过程中实感绠短汲深,错误疏漏之处,敬请批评指正。
议论文 1.Pollution 2.Can Road Accident Be Avoided? 3.Advertisements 4.Protection of Environment 5.Populaion and Birth Control 6.Sports and Health 7.Organization S aves Time and Energy 8.Competition and Cooperation 9.The Importance of Confidence 10.Dilligence 11.Hobbies 12.Birth Control:Key to China.S Development 13.Fire Accidents in Big Cities 14.Living in a Big City 15.Keep Our City Clean 16.TV:How It Affects Us 17.How to Solve Housing Problems? 18.How to Solve Energy Problems? 19.How to Solve Traffic Problems? 20.MV Plan for the Forthcoming Summer Vacation 21.Work As a Tutor 22.H0w I OVercame My Difficulties in Learning English? 23.On Dieting 24.Modem Youth 25.S aveWild Animals 26.Energy Resource 27.Today S Luxuries Are Tomorrow.S Necessities 28.Smoking and Cancer 29.We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge 30.The PlaCe of Science and Technology in Modern Life 31.Travel 32.Where to LiVe——in the City or in the Country? 33.Bicycle Is Popular in China 34.How to Arrange Your Time at College? 35.Is Money Au Power? 36.Hope Project 37.On Reading Books 38.On Good Books 39.Choosing an Occupation 40.Should Men and Women Be Equal? 41.Punctuality 42.The Value of Time 43.How to Prepare for a Job Interview? 44.How to learn English Well? 45.Cigarette Smoking(1) 46.Cigarette Smoking(2) 47.Automobile 48.We Have Only One Earth 49.My Major 50.Is English Easy to Learn? 51.Tourism 80 52.Purchasing an Apartment of One’S Own图表作文 53.Car Accidents Declining in Walton City 54.Changes in People’S Diet 55.The Problem of Human Population 56.CarS Are the Most Important Transportation Tools in tt 57.Health Grains in Developing Countries 58.The City I Like Best情景作文 59.HOw tO Help the Slow Students in Theft English Stud 60.IS It Right for Students to Rent Houses off Campus? 61.How tO Arrange Kid’S Daily Life? 62.BalanCe Your Academic Study and Social Activities 63.My Attitude Toward Parent’S Meeting 64.Is This Kidney Transplant Worthwhile? 65.Should the Income Tax Be Paid? 66.Is Independence Always Right? 67.How to Deal with Western Festivals? 68.Young Parents and Their Kids 69.Mv Opinion on the Reform of CET-4 and CET-6 70.Monitors Installed in Classrooms 71.Awarding Those Who Return the Pick.up Things 72.Advice for Net Worms ……应用文附:大学英语四、六级考试作文题评分标准