
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:宁洪  页数:372  字数:600000  


本书总体内容设计以文化定义、影响文化的因素为先导(第一章至第二章),以求先了解文化梗概。  《社会与文化》中各单元中具体国家的内容编写以1.国度与人民,2.文化特点,3.社会学理论常识,4.焦点问题为主线。各章节的单元内容一般“纵向”自成体系,必要时可单独使用,例如,强调社会学基础常识方面的学习,可但选第一章、第二章及第三章到第十六章各章中的第三部分,进行学习。  《社会与文化》为研究生(英语专业及非英语专业)英语选修课程的系列教材之一。  但同时也适用于其他类型的教学使用,教学原则为:    英语专业研究生(含同等学历英语专业研究生)——以课堂讨论、短篇论文(presentation and paper writing)为主。    非英语专业研究生——以阅读理解(reading comprehension)为主,依据学生水平,也可采取阅读理解与课堂讨论、短篇论文写作(presentation  and paper writing)相结合的方式。


宁洪,南开大学外国语学院翻译系副教授。1975年赴马耳化皇家大学留学;1980年赴非洲援建田子;1980年赴非洲援建,任中国交通部赞比亚Mukuku路桥大队英语翻译。1997年赴美国Albany纽约州立大学进修,学习、研究社会学文化课程。现主要从事“美国文化研究(英语专业本科研究生)”、“当代美国文化(英语专业本科)”、“大学英语应试作文写作(英语专业本科)”、英语口译(英语专业本科)”、  “接续传译(英语翻译系本科)”等课程的教学。
著有《美国文化阅读教程》(编著,英文,2004,英语专业本科研究生跨文化交际课程教材)、《英语口译教程》 (主编,2002,英语专业本科口译课程教材)、《旅游英语》(副主编,1998,旅游专业本科英语阅读教程教材)等1 0佘部教材及教学参考书。


Unit 1 : What is Culture?  With Emphasis on Nature of Culture  Reading 1 What is Culture?   Reading 2 The 'Onion Diagram' of Culture  Reading 3 Focus: The Nature of Culture: Cultural Diversity, Value in Culture Unit 2: The Impact of Culture  With Emphasis on Globalization and Americanization  Reading 4 The Impact of Culture: Cultural Values, Misinterpretation, Nonverbal Communication, Proxemics  Reading 5 Economic Implications of Major Religions  Reading 6 Focus: Globalization of Culture and Americanization Unit 3: Mexico  With Emphasis on Border Culture  Reading 7 The Land and the People: A Land of Sharp and Bold Contrasts  Reading 8 U.S. Manufacturing Operations in Mexico  Reading 9 Theoretical Perspectives for Explaining Social Events  Reading 10 Focus: A Common Border Culture? Unit 4: Japan  With Emphasis on Information Explosion  Reading 11 The Land and the People: Another Phoenix  Reading 12 Be Aware of it and Doing it Right the First Time  Reading 13 The Scientific Approach to Data Collection  Reading 14 Focus: The Information Explosion Unit 5: The Republic of Korea  With Emphasis on Cultural Heritage  Reading 15 The Land and the People: A Land of "Self-Made" Miracle  Reading 16 Multicultural Awareness -- A Case for "The Last Thing a Fish Would Ever Notice Would be Water."  Reading 17 Differences Between South Koreans and Americans  Reading 18 Focus: The Cultural Heritage of South Korea Unit 6: Israel  With Emphasis on Conflict and Coming to Terms  Reading 19 The Land and the People: A Smaller Country with Great Accomplishment in the Reading 20  Peer Pressure as  Agent of Socialization Reading 21  Symbolic lnteracfionism and Self-Development Reading 22  Focus: The Conflict and Coming to Terms of Israel and PalestinianUnit 7: Zaire  With Emphasis on AIDS and HIV Reading 23  The Land and the People: The Heart of Africa Reading 24  The Effect of Skin Color and Gender on Social Interaction Reading 25  The Content of Social Interaction Reading 26  Focus: The Historical Context of AIDS and HIVUnit 8: India  With Emphasis on Khasi Society, Reading 27  The Land and the People: A Mother Country Reading 28  Views of India Reading 29  Features of Modem Organizations Reading 30  Focus: Khasi Society of IndiaUnit 9: The People's Republic of China  With Emphasis on West's Debt to China Reading 31  The Land and the People: Continuity, Stability and Developmen~ Reading 32  The Chinese System of Social Control Versus the American System of Social Control Reading 33  Deviance: The Violation of Norms Reading 34  Focus: The West's Debt to ChinaUnit 10: South Africa   With Emphasis on Mobility of Society Reading 35  The Land and the People: Diamonds and Democracy Reading 36  "Open" and "Closed" Stratification Systems Reading 37  Analyses of Social Class Reading 38  Focus: Mobility of SocietyUnit 11 : Germany   With Emphasis on East Meeting West Reading 39 . The Land and the People: A Land of Wurst (Sausage) Divided and Reunified Reading 40  German Guest Workers and the Question of Race or Ethnicity Reading 41  Perspectives on Assimilation Reading 42  Focus: East Meets WestUnit 12: The Former Yugoslavia With Emphasis on Gender Equality ……Unit 13: BrazilUnit 14: The United StatesUnit 15: LebanonUnit 16: Social ChangeReferences



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