
出版时间:2005-4  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:孔祥永 编  页数:354  


随着我国经济体制改革的深入、经济全球化和我国日益融入WTO体系,物流业作为现代服务经济的重要支柱和组成部分,必将在我国得到空前发展,并成为我国国民经济的重要产业和新的经济增长点。基于“顾客满意”服务理念的“现代物流“,既是一个内容涉及多技术、多学科的综合性领域,也是一个科学系统的业务领域。它是集现代运输、信息网络、仓储管理、营销策划等诸多内容于一体的一门多学科、多领域的综合性管理学科。     但是在我国,由于长期受“重商流”、“轻物流“理论思想的影响,物流发展严重滞后。为了加快我国物流业的发展,2001年3月国家经贸委等六个部委联合下发了我国政府部门的第一个关于现代物流发展的指导性文件--《关于加快我国现代物流发展的若干意见》。可以预见,21世纪,我国将是物流大发展的时代,我国将更进一步融入国际社会。     我国的物流教育也十分落后,这就造成了现代物流综合性人才、企业尤其是流通企业改造传统物流与加强物流管理、城市规划与物流系统运筹、第三方物流企业的运作技术操作等现代物流人才严重匮乏的局面,阻碍了经济的发展和经济效益的提高。据统计,物流人才是全国12种紧缺人才之一,物流规划人员、物流管理人员、物流研究人员,物流师资全面紧缺。据预测:到2010年大专以上物流人才的需求量为30~40万人,物流技术操作和营销人才需求近3万人。如果我们不加快现代物流管理与技术人才的培养,终将成为我国现代物流产业发展的瓶颈,物流产业化就成了一句空话。     正是在这种背景下,《物流英语》系列教材应需而生。该教材成套出版,听、说、读、写共计四种,包括:1、《物流英语阅读教程》 2、《物流英语听力教程》 3、《物流英语口语教程》 4、《物流英语写作教程》。


Unit 1 Introduction of Logistics Letters(绪论)Unit 2 Obtaining Business Relationship(建立商务联系)Unit 3 Making Inquiries and Replies(询价和答复)Unit 4 Placing and Filling Orders(订单及执行)Unit 5 Writing Offers and Acceptances(报价和答复)Unit 6 Shipment(运输)Unit 7 Payment(付款)Unit 8 Complaint(投诉)Unit 9 Claims and Adjustment(索赔和调整)Unit 10 Telecommunication(电函)Unit 11 Writing Repots(报告写作)Unit 12 Collection Letters(催款函)Unit 13 Contracts(合同和销售确认函)Unit 14 Business Documents for Internal Communication(内部文函写作)Unit 15 Social Letters(社交信函)Appendix(附录)


  第33-34页Making Inquiries and Replies  Part I.Definition of Letter of Inquiries  When an importer intends to make purchases of some goods.He sends a letter of inquiry to an exporter.An inquiry is made to seek the supply of products,service or information.  In international trade,when you write to request some specific information usually about,buying of a certain commodity,this kind of letter is called"Inquiry".In this sense,the letter to start business with other companies can also be taken as a kind of inquiry letter to inquiry about the possibility of doing business with other companies in a certain line. In a general inquiry,the importer may only ask for catalogues,price,samples or some other materials from the exporter.If both parties have never dealt with each other before,the importer should inform the exDorter the source of his information at the beginning of his letter.The importer who sends the letter may require information such as price,discount,quantity,terms of payment,delivery date.etc. Part II.Rules for Wdting LeRem of Inquides When you make an inquiry,begin with the questions you want tO ask:your reader then knows at once what your inquiry is about.Keep your inquiry short and to the point.For instance,you may want to ask for information about price,discount,quantity,terms of payment,delivery date,etc.,regarding some definite goods in addition to reference materials.Inquiries should be specific and provide the necessary details to enable the receiver to answer the questions completely. As soon as you receive the necessary information,you should find the products are fine in quality and reasonable in price.If you decide to buy,you may send a specific inquiry,mentioning not only the name of thearticle but also the quantity and other particulars.





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