出版时间:2012-12 出版社:复旦大学出版社 作者:杨丽
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 1.1 Proulx-A Reinhabitory Writer 1.2 Current Studies on Annie Proulx 1.3 Proulx's Ecological Visions and Eco-theories Chapter Ⅱ Non-inhabitation:Postcards 2.1 Land Endangered Under Yeoman's Pastoral Dream 2.2 Back-to-the-Land Fails to Dwell Chapter Ⅲ Ecological Restoration:That Old Ace in the Hole 3.1 Tragedy of the Land Under Pioneer Exploitation 3.2 Environmental Deterioration with Global Agribusiness 3.3 Prairie Ecological Restoration Chapter Ⅳ Reinhabitation:The Shipping News 4.1 Uprooted in Environmental Unconsciousness 4.2 Quoyle's Reinhabitation in Newfoundland Conclusion Works Cited 后记
版权页: Proulx suggests that the whole Panhandle community is at risk because what the way people extract the underground water is a kind of ecological suicide.However,faced the depletion of Ogallala they continue to love themselves best and "celebrate the self-aggrandizing ego and to place self interest above public interest,even irrationally enough,in matter of common survival" (Ehrenfeld,1978:239) of the Panhandle bioregion as a whole.Deep rooted in their selfcenteredness,they arrogantly announce that "I am not worried,they will always do"(96)referring the possibility of new water to be found.It means the health of the Panhandle biosystem and the welfare of the future generation are not their concerns.They are preoccupied only with the immediate material wealth that the land and the water resource will bring them.According to deep ecology,ethics is the body of self-imposed limitations on "freedom of action that derive from the recognition that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts "(Leopold,1949:49 ).However,to the Panhandlers today,the"integrity,beauty and stability"(ibid)of the bioregion as a place where their children will inhabit is insignificant.