出版时间:2012-5 出版社:复旦大学出版社 作者:荆丰 页数:450 字数:354000
This book is also a valuable resource
for researchers. Feng Fenwick Jing is to be congratulated for his
excellent research that makes a valuable contribution to the study
of leadership.Not only are the approach, structure, methodology and
data collection of the highest standard, but the results open up
many avenues for future research. My hope is that researchers in
China and elsewhere will continue this ground-breaking
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Importance of"the leadehip-performance relatiohip
1.3 Research questio
1.4 Research model
1.5 Significance of this research
1.6 Outlineof this book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Link between leadehip and organisational performance
2.3 Definition of leadehip
2.4 The history of leadehip
2.5 Leadehip typologies
2.6 Characteristics of Avery's leadehip paradigms
2.6.1 Classical leadehip
2.6.2 Traactional leadehip
2.6.3 Visionary (traformational, charismatic) leadehip
2.6.4 Organic leadehip
2.6.5 Summary
2.7 Review of the performance measurement literature
2.8 Leadehip paradigms and organisational performance
2.8.1 Classical leadehip and organisational performance
2.8.2 Traactional leadehip and organisational performance
2.8.3 Visionary leadehip and organisational performance
2.8.4 Organic leadehip and organisational performance
2.8.5 Hypotheses
2.9 Importance of mediating variables
2.9.1 Mediating role of vision
2.9.2 Mediating role of organisational climate
2.9.3 Mediating role of trust between leader and followe
2.10 The relatiohips between leadehip paradigms, staff
turnover/manager tenure and organisational performance
2.10.1 The relatiohip between leadehip paradigms and staff
2.10.2 The relatiohip between leadehip
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
Chapter 4 Data Preparation and Measurement Model
Chapter 5 Hypothesis Testing and Research Findings
Chapter 6 Discussion and Implicatio
版权页: 插图: However, in general, the effects of leadership on organisational performance have not been well studied,according to House and Aditya's review (1997). In particular,House and Aditya (1997) criticised leadership studies for focusing excessively on superior-subordinate relationships to the exclusion of several other functions that leaders perform, and to the exclusion of organisational and environmental variables that are crucial to mediate the leadership-performance relationship.Indeed, in trying to understand leadership, scholars have tended to break it down into smaller components, focusing on narrow facets such as decision making (Vroom and Yetton,1973) or teamwork (Mehra, Smith, Dixon and Robertson,2006). In sum, despite a hypothesised leadership-performance relationship suggested by some researchers, current findings are inconclusive and difficult to interpret. Some scholars (e. g.Avolio, 1999; Rowe, 2001; Yukl, 2002) believe that leadership facilitates organisational performance enhancement, while others (e.g. Avery, 2004; Drath, 2001; House and Aditya,1997) contradict this. Different concepts of leadership have been employed in different studies, making direct comparisons virtually impossible. Also, many organisational and environmental variables that appear crucial to effective leadership performance have been ignored in studies of the leadership-performance relationship. Gaps and unanswered questions remain. There is a need to re-examine the proposed leadership-performance relationship. Therefore, this book attempts to address deficiencies in existing research and re-examine the supposed leadership-performance relationship. It does so by including additional organisational and environmental variables that the literature predicts are crucial to mediating the leadership-performance relationship, by expanding the number of leadership paradigms to be examined, and by focusing on a more rigorous taxonomy of leadership paradigms proposed by Avery (2004).