
出版时间:2012-6  出版社:郭海云 复旦大学出版社 (2012-06出版)  作者:郭海云 编  


《普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材•21世纪大学新英语系列:21世纪大学新英语视听说电影欣赏》所选的十二部电影都是近年来获奖的经典影片,包括动画片、爱情片、剧情片、灾难片、歌舞片和喜剧片等多种类型,涉及生命、人性、爱情和时尚等学生感兴趣的主题。通过多种形式练习的引导,使学生真正看懂电影,理解电影中的语言,促进英语学习,提高英语应用能力。《普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材•21世纪大学新英语系列:21世纪大学新英语视听说电影欣赏》配有大量的课堂活动,有配音练习、简答题、讨论题、辩论、写总结等练习形式,有些需要在老师组织下来完成,有些需要学生自由想象和发挥。练习内容与视听片段内容紧密相连,听、说、写融为一体,能够有效地训练学生的语言输出技能。《普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材•21世纪大学新英语系列:21世纪大学新英语视听说电影欣赏》中每个unit有6个clip,为了使学生能把整部影片内容贯穿起来整体理解,在每个clip前把中间删去的片段做了简短的介绍,用简短的介绍把6个clip串在一起,并在Extended Activities部分设计了针对整部影片的问答题。学生通过回答问题可以加深对影片深层次的理解。


Unit 1 Beauty and the Beast Introduction to Cartoon Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 2 Finding Nemo Introduction to Cartoon Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watchmg & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 3 The Shawshank Redemption Introduction to Drama Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 4 Forrest Gump Introduction to Drama Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 5 Titanic Introduction to Romance Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Test 1 Unit 6 Sleepless in Seattle Introduction to Romance Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 7 The Day After Tomorrow Introduction to Disaster Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 8 Deep Impact Introduction to Disaster Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 9 High School Musical Introduction to Musical Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 10 Another Cinderella Story Introduction to Musical Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Test 2


版权页:   插图:    "Sleepless in Seattle" is the story of a sensitive and deeply feeling man and woman who are desperately yearning for a soul-mate and whose lives brush gently without managing to bond. The movie reveals their longing and individual needs as the suspense mounts with the uncertainty of whether they will actually meet. This is an unusual concept in movie terms: there is no great physical passion displayed-as with Titanic, The Notebook, and many others-as the two leading characters do not become romantically involved during the movie, only seeing each other from afar. Yet the audience is ever alert to the depth of their feelings and sees the potential for a loving relationship. They do not follow the traditional route of boy meeting girl and they become enamored but there is a problem which keeps them apart (think Romeo and Juliet). With "Sleepless in Seattle", the suspense derives from the question of whether the boy will actually MEET the girl so they can begin a relationship. Released in 1993, the movie has been a box office success, grossing over $200 million on a budget of $20 million. Although it was passed over for a number of major film awards for which it was nominated, the emotional appeal of the movie has ensured its popularity and it is one of the most loved romantic movies. The script was written by Nora Ephron, who also directed the movie, from a story by Jeff Arch. The leading roles are played by Tom Hanks (Sam Baldwin) and Meg Ryan (Annie Reed). The opening reveals that Sam has recently moved to Seattle with his son, Jonah, after losing his wife to cancer. He is still despondent and feeling the pain of his loss. Young Jonah is concerned about his father and thinks that he should be preparing to move on with his life, possibly starting afresh with a new wife. Jonah expresses his concern on a national radio show which is broadcast live on Christmas Eve. He persuades his father to also speak on the air and Sam's deep feelings over the loss of his wife make a huge impact on listeners, As a result, thousands of women write to him and the letters manage to be delivered! One writer is Annie, a journalist living in Baltimore, Maryland, where she is engaged to be married but not in love with her fiancé. Jonah sorts through the pile ofletters received and singles out the one sent by Annie. He urges his father to contact Annie and arrange a meeting. However, Sam thinks his time could be better spent by dating a local girl. Not one to be put off, Jonah writes to Annie using his father's name and agrees to meet her on Valentine's Day atop the Empire State Building, as happened in the earlier movie, An Affair To Remember, which was one of Annie's favorite films (she is able to quote the dialog whilst sheddingtears).





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