
出版时间:2012-5  出版社:郭海云 复旦大学出版社 (2012-05出版)  作者:郭海云 编  


《普通高等教育"十一五"国家级规划教材•21世纪大学新英语系列:21世纪大学新英语视听说电影欣赏教师参考书》由十个单元和两个测试组成,十个单元为课堂教学内容,两个测试供课堂测试或学生课外自测使用。每个单元分为Introduction(介绍),Section A Focused Activities(课堂活动),Section B Extended Activities(拓展练习)三部分。Introduction部分介绍该类别电影的特点、历史以及发展过程。Section A Focused Activities由三部分组成。Section B Extended Activities是拓展练习。


Unit 1 Beauty and the Beast Introduction to Cartoon Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 2 Finding Nemo Introduction to Cartoon Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 3 The Shawshank Redemption Introduction to Drama Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 4 Forrest Gump Introduction to Drama Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 5 Titanic Introduction to Romance Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Test 1 Unit 6 Sleepless in Seattle Introduction to Romance Fimls (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 7 The Day After Tomorrow Introduction to Disaster Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 8 Deep Impact Introduction to Disaster Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Unit 9 High School Musical Introduction to Musical Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watclung & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review 201 Unit 10 Another Cinderella Story Introduction to Musical Films (2) Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time Section B Extended Activities Part 1 Whole Movie Watching Part 2 Lines to Learn by Heart Part 3 Movie Review Test 2


版权页:   插图:   Following is the script of Clip 1: Marlin: Wow. Coral: Mmm. Marlin: Wow. Coral: Mmm-hmm. Marlin: Wow. Coral: Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. It's beautiful. Marlin: So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think that we're gonna get the whole ocean, did you? Huh? Oh yeah. A flsh can breathe out here. Did your man deliver or did he deliver? Coral: My man delivered. Marlin: And it wasn't so easy. Coral: Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. Marlin: You better believe they did-every single one of them. Coral: Mm-hmm. You did good. And the neighborhood is awesome. Marlin: So, you do like it, don't you? Coral: No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. But Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable with the great schools and the amazing view and all, but do we really need so much space? Marlin: Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. They deserve the best. Look, look, look. They'll wake up, poke their little heads out and they'll see a whale! See, right by their bedroom window. Coral: Shhh, you're gonna wake the kids. Marlin: Oh, right. Right. Coral: Aww, look. They're dreaming. We still have to name them. Marlin: You wanna name all of'em, right now? All right, we'll name this half Marlin Jr. and then this half Coral Jr. Okay, we're done. Coral: I like Nemo. Marlin: Nemo? Well, we'll name one Nemo but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Jr. Coral: Just think that in a couple of days, we're gonna be parents! Marlin: Yeah. What if they don't like me? Coral: Marlin. Marlin: No, really. Coral: There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one of them is bound to like you. Coral: What? Marlin: You remember how we met? Coral: Well, I try not to. Marlin: Well, I remember. "Excuse me, miss, can you check and see if there's a hook in my lip?" Coral: Marlin!





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