
出版时间:2012-2  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:戴月珍  页数:202  




  戴月珍,毕业于上海外国语学院英语系英美文学专业。现任复旦大学外文学院大学英语部副教授,主要从事医学博士生和硕士生的英语教学工作。参编卫生部英语培训系列《英语测试技巧》(1993)及《英语测试技巧详解》(1993)、《全国职称英语等级考试卫生类模拟试题集》(1998)、《医学英语教学短文阅读》(2003)、《医学英语视听说教程Ⅰ——健康通识》(2007)、《医学英语视听说教程Ⅱ——医学教育与健康服务》(2007)、《医学英语视听说教程Ⅲ——疾病预防与治疗》(2007);主编《当代护理英语教程Ⅰ——护理学概览》(2010)、《当代护理英语教程Ⅱ——常见疾病护理》(2011),独立编著《医学英语听力综合教程Ⅰ——共健康新识》(2012);发表论文“改进高校公共英语课教学法探讨”(1994),“TeachingEnglishthrough Authentic English”(1998),“The Profound Influence of King Alfred,The Great on the Development of English”(2004),“On the Light of the World by Ernest Hemingway”(2004)等。


Unit 1 Endangered Biodiversity and Health RisksSection Ⅰ Intensive ListeningHuman Health Depends on BiodiversityBiodiversity Action DaysSection Ⅱ Extensive ListeningTropical Biodiversity Can Thank Steady TempsWhy We Need NatureSection Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and ReportSection Ⅳ Key to ExercisesSection Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video ClipsUnit 2 Climatic Change and Health RisksSection Ⅰ Intensive ListeningWhat Does Climate Change Have to Do with Human HealthOzone Smog Pollution ExpandingSection Ⅱ Extensive ListeningClimate Change Ups Infectious Disease RisksStudy Shows Air Pollution Poses Greater Link to Heart Attack,StrokeSection Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and ReportSection Ⅳ Key to ExercisesSection Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video ClipsUnit 3 Urbanization and Health Risks to City dwellersSection Ⅰ Intensive ListeningUrbanization Puts Public Health at Growing RiskCity Living Can Be Bad for Your HealthSection Ⅱ Extensive ListeningHow Urban Policies Can Make City Living Healthier and SaferPerspective on Health and GlobalizationSection Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and ReportSection Ⅳ Key to ExercisesSection Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video ClipsUnit 4 Noise Pollution and Health RisksSection Ⅰ Intensive ListeningI HearScientists Point to Possible Health Effects of Cell PhonesSection Ⅱ Extensive ListeningTraffic Noise Ups Elderly's Stroke RiskRestaurant Noise Can Alter Food TasteSection Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and ReportSection Ⅳ Key to ExercisesSection Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video ClipsUnit 5 Water Scarcity and Sanitation IssueSection Ⅰ Intensive ListeningHow Neverending Quest for Water Has Defined Human HistoryExperts, Industry Leaders, Decision Makers Meet to Discuss World's Water ProblemsSection Ⅱ Extensive ListeningImpact of Safe Water on Global HealthHow Much Water Do You UseSection Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and ReportSection Ⅳ Key to ExercisesSection Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video ClipsUnit 6 Combatting New Outbreaks of Infectious DiseasesSection Ⅰ Intensive ListeningDisease Outbreaks Reported SoonerVirus Hunters Try to Unravel Flu Virus MysterySection Ⅱ Extensive ListeningPublic Health: Try the Prevent DefenseSneezes Provoke Fears beyond IllnessSection Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and ReportSection Ⅳ Key to ExercisesSection Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video ClipsUnit 7 The ImDortance of Reaular Hygienic PracticesSection Ⅰ Intensive ListeningClean Hands Can Prevent the Spread of DiseasePutting Your Hands TogetherSection Ⅱ Extensive ListeningHand Hygiene Saves LivesHealth Begins at HomeSection Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and ReportSection Ⅳ Key to ExercisesSection Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video ClipsUnit 8 The New Dietary GuidelinesSection Ⅰ Intensive ListeningDiet and Human ActionU. S.Issues New Dietary GuidelinesSection Ⅱ Extensive ListeningU. S.School Tries to Build Healthier Food Culture, Part 1U. S.School Tries to Build Healthier Food Culture, Part 2Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and ReportSection Ⅳ Key to ExercisesSection Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips……Unit 9 The Longevity DietUnit 10 Caution over Food SafetyUnit 11 Health Consequences of Lifestyle FactorsUnit 12 Health Benefits of Regular Physical ActivityUnit 13 The Science of Mental Well-beingUnit 14 Benefits of SocializingUnit 15 LivingLonqer and Healthier



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