
出版时间:2011-10  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:王平 编  页数:218  




Practice Test 1Keys to Practice Test 1Practice Test 2Keys to Practice Test 2 Practice Test 3Keys to Practice Test 3Practice Test 4Keys to Practice Test 4Practice Test 5Keys to Practice Test 5Practice Test 6Keys to Practice Test 6 Practice Test 7Keys to Practice Test 7Practice Test 8Keys to Practice Test 8Mid-Term ExamKeys to Mid-Term ExamFinal ExamKeys to Final Exam


  Millions of women use cosmetics, often called "make-up". The cosmetics industry is one of the biggest in the world. Most large stores sell cosmetics, and there are always shops at airports selling them cheaply.  The word "cosmetics" refers to anything that people put on their faces to make them look better. Lipstick, face powder and cream, and eye make-up are the most popular. Although more women than men use cosmetics, there are cosmetics for men as well as women.  Some people even have cosmetic surgery to make their faces look different. They have the shape of their noses and eyes changed. The most widely used cosmetic is probably lipstick, as many women who do not wear any other make-up will often put on a little lipstick. Lipstick is made by mixing together different oils and colors. This mixture is then allowed to get hard and is cut into the shape of a small pencil. When a woman presses the lipstick to her lips, the end of it becomes soft, and some of it sticks to her lips, giving them extra color.  ……



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