
出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:徐小贞,邹渝刚 编  页数:219  




1 Lifelong Learning2 Food Culture3 Knowledge and Skills4 Sportsmanship5 Life in E-era6 Eco- friendly World7 Fads and Trends8 Work EthicsGlossary


  4 It eases the problem almost everyone has of developing a habit of backing up files. Jonathan Huberman, president of Iomega4, understands the problem firsthand. Even though his company makes external hard drives, his wife, "a very smart businesswoman", wasn't backing up her files. He learned that only when a big bush fire forced them to evacuate their San Diego house.  5 Backing up to an external hard drive doesn't help when your house burns or a strong wind tears off the roof. If your computer is destroyed, your hard drive, stored 10 feet away in a drawer, is probably gone too.  6 Even though a hard drive with a terabyte (or 1,000 gigabytes) of storage can hold thousands of photographs, songs and movies and costs less than $100, storing your files in a distant commercial data center, encrypted and secure, increasingly makes more sense. Cloud backups are appealing for another reason: as computers become more mobile, such as laptops,tablets and smartphones,6 you need to have reliable access to the data anywhere over an Internet connection.  ……



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