
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:黄锡光,吴宝康 编  页数:299  


  《复旦卓越·21世纪国际经济与贸易专业教材新系:国际贸易实务(英文)(第3版)》集合作者多年从事外贸实务、国际结算、保险等实践经验和高校国际贸易实务双语教学的经验,参照相关国外教材的体例,以外贸实务为主线,对国际贸易过程中的各个环节进行了详细阐述。第三版在“贸易书语”中介绍了国际商会最新的《INCOTERMS 2010》,在“贷款结算”中引用了国际商会《UCP600》的相关内容。全书用语浅显,内容易懂,结构合理,体系完整,各章均配有实用的案例分析,其教学方法体现了涉外经济类专业的特点,采用中文和英文双语结合的办法,凸现双语教学特色,有助于提高外贸专业人才的实际培养效果。


Chapter 1 Introduction to Foreign Trade1.1 What Are We Going to Learn in This Course?1. 2 What Is International Trade?1.3 What Are Characteristics of International Trade in Goods?1.4 Some Other Basic Con Cepts of International Trade1.5 What Are the Basic Procedures of Export Business?1.6 What Are the Basic Ptocedures of Import Business?1.7 What Are the General Contents of an International Contract for Sale of Goods?1.8 What Laws Are Applicable to International Sales Contract?Chapter 2 Subject Matter of an International Sales Contract2.1 Name of Goods2.2 Quality of Goods2.3 Quantity of Goods2.4 Packing &MarkingChapter3 Trade Terms3.1 International Convention of Trade Terms3.2 Six Main International Trade Terms in INCOTERMS 20003.3 Other Seven Trade Terms3.4 The INCOTERMS 20103.5 Pricing and Quotation of Exports3.6 Setting of Price Clause in a Sales ContractChapter 4 Delivery of Goods4.1 Sea Transport/Ocean Transport4.2 Air Transport4.3 International Rail and Road Transport4.4 Container Transport4.5 International Multi-modal TransportChapter 5 Cargo Insurance5.1 Basic Principles of in surance5.2 Scope of Cargo Insurance5.3 Terms and Coverages of Cargo Insurance in China5.4 Marine Cargo Insurance of the Institute of London Underwriters5.5 Cargo Insurance Practice in Import and Export Business5.6 Insurance Terms in Sales ContractChapter 6 Payment of Goods6.1 Credit Instruments Used in Settlement of Trade6.2 Methods of Settlement for International TradeChapter 7 Inspection of Goods & Settlement of Trade Disputes7.1 Inspection of Goods7.2 Claims7.3 Settlement of Trade DisputesChapter 8 Business Negotiation & Sigrung of Contract8.1 Business Negotiation8.2 The Process of Negotiation8.3 Signing of Contract8.4 Forms of Contract8.5 Legal Requirements for ContractChapter 9 Performance of International Trade Contract9.1 General Procedures of Export Transaction9.2 General Procedures of Import TransactionChapter 10 Trade Patterns10.1 International Technology Trade10.2 International Service Trade10.3 International Goods Trade Pattern附录


版权页:插图:(2)time charterIt means contracting for a certain period of time for transportation. Undertime charter, the charterer hires the ship for a time period and pays the rent at theagreed rate in charter party.  During the period of chartering, the ship is managed,deployed and used by the charterer. Variable cost, such as fuels expense, portcharges, loading and unloading charges is for charterer's account. Ship-owner isresponsible for ship's seaworthiness during the period of chartering. Fixed cost,such as the crew's wages, provisions, expenses of ship's maintenance, the vesselinsurance premium is for stup-owner's account.(3)bare boat charterBare boat charter is also called demise charter.  It is a type of property lease.Under a bare boat charter, the charterer takes a lease of the entire ship for anagreed time, during which the management of the ship is in his hand. He isobliged to pay the crew's wages and provisions, ship's maintenance and stores,etc. apart from those expenses he is responsible for under the time charter.





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