
出版时间:2010-12  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:黄关福 编  页数:244  字数:364000  


本书以高考英语上海卷试题分析为特色,并总结出相应的应试技巧及解题要领,因而具有很强的指导性和实用性。全书包含多项内容:2011年高考英语的题型、范围和试卷结构;2010年高考英语上海试卷、答案、考生试卷表现分析;根据2011年高考要求设计的全新英语样卷、试题单项练习和答案。    编者以严谨的科学态度、实事求是的编写方法,全方位地为广大师生展示了近年来高中英语教育测量和评价的基本框架、主要内涵以及最近几年高考英语的信息和发展方向,考生可以从中了解每个测试项目的要求和内容,领悟正确的学习方法,吸取他人成功的经验与失败的教训,力争获得最佳成绩。


一、英语高考和2011年高考英语上海卷二、2010年上海市高考英语试卷、答案和考生试卷表现分析  (一)试卷  (二)答案及评分标准  (三)考生试卷表现分析三、试题单项练习 (一)听力 (二)语法和词汇 (三)阅读理解 (四)翻译 (五)写作四、样卷 (一)第一套 (二)第二套 (三)第三套 (四)第四套 (五)第五套五、参考答案 (一)试题单项练习参考答案 (二)样卷参考答案


版权页:插图:Amelia Earhart, the famous pioneer pilot, can serve as an excellent model for both contem- porary young women and young men. This is the story of her courage and daring and illustrates how a person can realize nearly any dream if he or she has enough determination.Amelia was born in Atchinson, Kansas, in 1898, and demonstrated a daring and adventure- some spirit even in her childhood by always being the first to try any new adventure and never seeming to fear anything, During World War I Amelia became a nurse's aid at a military hospital in Canada because this was the contribution that she wanted to make. After the war was over, Amelia went to California to visit her parents who had moved there earlier. While She was there, she went to an air show with her father and watched the brave pilots fly their airplanes in many ex- citing ways. She then realized that she wanted to learn to be a pilot. However, she did not have the thousand dollars that was required to take flying lessons soshe obtained a job in the telephone company office to earn money for the lessons.






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用户评论 (总计17条)


  •   黄关福的书很实用,中级英语分类很细,题目不错,几个月用下来感觉不错
  •   参考书,高考复习正好用上,实用
  •   这本书本身就是老师推荐的,而且送货很快!
  •   应该是正货
  •   上星期买还没看完,大概看了一下还行
  •   很好,很满意,而且快递速度很快。
  •   老师让买的,很好~!
  •   送货速度 还没来得及仔细阅读
  •   书有点皱 送货速度倒非常快
  •   听力没法听了
  •   很有用的一本书 题目不难 但是都是高考的类型
  •   每块都是分类训练的 题量还是挺大的 难度还行
  •   书什么的没有大问题都还不多
  •   送货蛮快 而且书也是经典的 很多老牌市重点都在用的
  •   听老师介绍的,每一届的高三都做这本书,不错
  •   这本书的内容挺符合我的需要的,音频也比较清晰。
  •   送货速度还可以,光盘有些磨损,其中一篇听力读不出。其他还好

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