
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:吴宝康 主编  页数:315  


本教材以外贸业务环节为线索,根据外语认知特点、应用型本科及高职学生认知学习特点和课堂教学组织需要。在结构编排上以商务英语信函常用句法结构操练为核心,以最终完成国际商务各业务环节的信函写作为目标。考虑到学生的实际需要,本教材特意在最后一个单元的教学内容定为求职信函的写作学习。此外,为方便学习和今后工作.本教材还附有四个附录,提供有关美国、加拿大州名、省名的标准英语缩写;常用地址和商务机构缩略语;世界主要机场、港口名称英中对照表等。授课老师可以免费获取本书练习中的所有详细参考答案。   本教材每个单元基本结构为相关业务知识的英语简介、样函8封、实用句型、写作指导及练习部分组成。练习部分又分为常规性练习(Part A)、进口商(买方)角度的练习(Part B)和出口商(卖方)角度的练习(Part C)。


总序 前言 Unit1 Essentials of a Business Letter商务信函的基本要素   1.1 Layout of a Business Letter   1.2 Letter Styles   1.3 Addressing Envelopes   1.4 Faxes and E-Mails   Exercises Unit2 Starting Business and Establishing Business Relation开始业务与建立业务关系  2.1 Related BusinessKnow ledge  2.2 Text   2.3 Useful Sentences   2.4 Writing Tutorial:Deciding the Type of Your Letter   Exercises Unit3 Enquiries and Quotations  询价与报价   3.1 Related BusinessKnow ledge   3.2 Text   3.3 Useful Sentences   3.4 Writing Tutorial:Beginning of a Business Letter   Exercises Unit4 Offer,Counter-Offer,Acceptance and Refusal  发盘、还盘、接受或拒绝   4.1 Related Business Knowledge   4.2 Text   4.3 Useful Sentences   4.4 W riting Tutorial:Singling out the Key Purpose of Your Letter   Exercises Unit5 Credit and Status Enquires and Their Replies  资信查询及回复   5.1 Related Business Knowledge  5.2 Text   5.3 Useful Sentences   5.4 Writing Tutorial:CorrectParagraph   Exercises Unit6 Order,Acceptance and Refusal  订单、接受订单以及谢绝订单   6.1 Related BusinessKnow ledge   6.2 Text   6.3 Useful Sentences   6.4 Writing Tutorial:Making A Businesslike Ending   Exercises Unit7 Conclusion of Business and the Fulfillment of a Contract  交易的达成和合同的履行   7.1 Related Business Knowledge   7.2 Text   7.3 Useful Sentences   7.4 Writing Tutorial:Proper Wording   Exercises Unit8 Letters to Discuss Payment  洽谈支付方式信   8.1 Related Business Knowledge   8.2 Text   8.3 Useful Sentences   8.4 Writing Tutorial:Composing Appropriate Sentences   Exercises Unit9 Urging the Establishment and Amendment of L/C   敦促开立和修改信用证    9.1 Related Business Knowledge    9.2 Text    9.3 Useful Sentences    9.4 Writing Tutorial:Keeping Coherence    Exercises Unit10 Packing,Marking and Shipment  包装、运输标志以及装运   10.1 Related Business Knowledge   10.2 Text   10.3 Useful Sentences   10.4 Writing Tutorial:Using the Correct Punctuation   Exercises Unit11 Marine Insurance  海运保险   11.1 Related Business Knowledge   11.2 Text   11.3 Useful Sentences   11.4 Writing Tutorial:Revising and Checking for any Possible Mistakes   Exercises Unit12 Letters to Discuss Agencies  洽谈代理业务信   12.1 Related Business Knowledge   12.2 Text   12.3 Useful Sentences   12.4 Writing Tutorial:Paying Attention to Some Easily Misused Words or Phrases   Exercises Unit13 Complaints,Disputes,Claims and Their Settlements  投诉、争议、索赔及解决   13.1 Related BusinessKnow ledge   13.2 Text   13.3 Useful Sentences   13.4 Writing Tutorial:Avoiding Dangling Modifiers   Exercises Unit14 Application Letters 求职信   14.1 Related Business Knowledge   14.2 Text   14.3 Useful Sentences  14.4 Writing Tutorial:Paying Attention to the Sentence Structure   Exercises AppendixⅠ 美国州名标准缩写 AppendixⅡ 加拿大省名标准缩写AppendixⅢ 常用地址和商务机构缩略语 AppendixⅣ 世界主要机场、港口名称英中对照表


  (4)We are one of the principle manufacturers of DVD players in China.  我方是中国主要DVD生产商之一。  (5)May we introduce ourselves as one of the leading importers of food products here?  请允许我方冒昧自我介绍,我公司是本地主要食品生产商之一。  (6)We have been engaged in the import of textiles for half a century,having a wide network of reliable distributors over the country.  在过去50年里,我方一直从事纺织品进口,在全国有一个可靠的分销商网络。  (7)We wish to introduce ourselves to you as one of the leading exporters of digital products in China.  我们是中国出口数码产品的主要出口商之一。  (8)Being specialized in the export of garments,we express our desire to trade with you in this line.  我们专业出口服装,希望与你方在该行业进行贸易。  (9)We have been importers of Arts and Crafts for many years.At present,we are interested in various kinds of Chinese Arts and Crafts.  我们进口工艺美术品多年了。目前我们对各种中国的工艺美术品很有兴趣。


  《国际商务英语信函及写作》完全适合国际商务专业核心骨干课程的需要,同时兼顾了外销员、报关员、单证员、跟单员、货运代理、报检员等职业考试的要求,既可作为广大高职高专院校、应用型本科院校学生的教材,又可供从事外贸业务的人员用作专业培训的参考用书。  ·以能力为本位,强调对学生应用能力的培养;  ·注重技能的训练,在基本原理的基础上,将技能实训引进来,让学生通过实训学会解决问题;  ·注重启发性,各章开头提供有本章学习要点、开篇案例等让学生带着问题学习;  ·具有综合性,将案例分析、小资料等与教材内容有机结合,以开阔视野,锻炼学生把握复杂业务的技能;  ·具有可操作性,在教材的各章之后附有一定量的思考题供学生消化,主要教材附有习题集或实训指导;  ·与职业规划相衔接,在内容和练习等方面紧扣相关的考试要求;  ·注重对新知识的介绍,国际贸易环境处在不断的变化之中,本教材尽可能地将这些新知识、新方式、新手段介绍进来。以提高学生的适应能力。




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   当时一下买了两本商务信函写作的教程,这本因为版比较新,印刷排版看上去更舒服些。内容基本上涵盖了外贸整个流程所需的信函模板,还算实用。
  •   今下午收到书了,虽然没有仔细看,但大致翻看了一下,觉得很满意,值得,和我们老师上的差不多
  •   除了第一章讲的不太实用了,现在多是email邮件往来,不需要那么多套路。

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