
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:魏国富,卜爱萍 著  页数:331  


  21世纪的中国市场是一个充满活力、竞争力和面向世界开放的市场。随着市场经济的迅速发展,我国的企业都面临激烈竞争的全球化市场的挑战。企业如何提高竞争力,如何在市场白热化竞争的形势下做到运筹帷幄,决胜千里,其成败关键是企业亟须大批拥有广博的专业知识、懂得市场运行规律、掌握必要的管理技能、具有决策能力、创新意识和开拓精神的管理人才,而为企业培养这类专业管理人才则是我国管理教育组织义不容辞的责任。  为了探寻国内外的优秀管理教育理念、方法,更好地培养面向全球市场竞争、具备全球经营头脑的管理者,我们编写了这本《管理学英语》。本书作者从科学管理、培养人才、重视发展等多方面着手,对成功企业必备的要素做了全面的阐述,旨在:帮助企业把握市场的发展脉搏;拓展市场经营的思路;提高市场竞争的能力;适应市场的快速变化,使其能高效、有序地走向成功。《管理学英语》的编写特点如下:  1.较为详细地介绍了世界管理学史上具有影响力的代表人物及他们的杰出理论,如科学管理之父弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰勒;近代管理理论之父亨利·法约尔和现代管理之父彼得·德鲁克等。此外,还介绍了一些对管理学作出贡献的著名人物,如乔治·埃尔顿·梅奥;F·J·罗特利斯伯格;哈罗德·孔茨等以及国际跨国公司的cE0和他们的企业等。  2.较为全面地介绍了管理的定义及其主要功能,如规划、组织、人事安排、领导和控制以及这五方面的管理基本功能在企业运作及市场经营过程中各自所发挥的作用等。  3.为使学生及企业管理者在学习管理理论、方法及措施时能够提高兴趣和增加视觉效果,《管理学英语》在介绍世界管理学泰斗和企业时配置了相关的图片。通过图文并茂使学习者对管理学巨匠、企业的标识及他们的产品有进一步的感性认识,从而激发他们的学习积极性。


  较为详细地介绍了世界管理学史上具有影响力的代表人物及他们的杰出理论,如科学管理之父弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰勒;近代管理理论之父亨利·法约尔和现代管理之父彼得·德鲁克等。此外,还介绍了一些对管理学作出贡献的著名人物,如乔治·埃尔顿·梅奥;F·J·罗特利斯伯格;哈罗德·孔茨等以及国际跨国公司的cE0和他们的企业等。  较为全面地介绍了管理的定义及其主要功能,如规划、组织、人事安排、领导和控制以及这五方面的管理基本功能在企业运作及市场经营过程中各自所发挥的作用等。  为使学生及企业管理者在学习管理理论、方法及措施时能够提高兴趣和增加视觉效果,《管理学英语》在介绍世界管理学泰斗和企业时配置了相关的图片。通过图文并茂使学习者对管理学巨匠、企业的标识及他们的产品有进一步的感性认识,从而激发他们的学习积极性。


Unit 1 Precursors in Management TheoryText A: The Origin of ManagementExercises of Text AText B : Father of Modem Management TheoryExercises of Text BText C : The Guru of the GurusExercises of Text CUnit 2 Significance of ManagementText A: What is Management?Exercises of Text AText B : The Principles of ManagementExercises of Text BText C: The Strategic ManagementExercises of Text CUnit 3 The First Function of ManagementText A: PlanningExercises of Text AText B: Strategic PlanningExercises of Text BText C: Strategy Formulation and ImplementationExercises of Text CUnit 4 Organizational Design and CultureText A: A Formal or Informal OrganizationExercises of Text AText B : OrganizingExercises of Text BText C: Functions and Effects of Organizational CultureExercises of Text CUnit 5 The Strategic Role of HRMText A: StaffingExercises of Text AText B: Strategic Human Resource ManagementExercises of Text BText C: Global Human Resource ManagementExercises of Text CUnit 6 Leading and DirectingText A: LeadingExercises of Text AText B : DirectingExercises of Text BText C: Authority and PowerExercises of Text CUnit 7 The Importance of Management ControlText A: ControlExercises of Text AText B: Controlling PerformanceExercises of Text BText C: The Control ProcessExercises of Text CUnit 8 Organizational Behavior and Managerial ChallengesText A: Organizational BehaviorExercises of Text AText B: The Key Role of Organizational CultureExercises of Text BText C: Maslow's Need HierarchyExercises of Text CUnit 9 The Benefits of a Strategic Approach to ManagingText A: Strategic ManagementExercises of Text AText B: Developing a Strategic VisionExercises of Text BText C: Strategies for Competing in Globalizing MarketsExercises of Text CUnit 10 Global Marketing ManagementText A: Why Study Global Marketing?Exercises of Text AText B : Definition of Global Marketing ManagementExercises of Text BText C: Global Marketing StrategiesExercises of Text C


  Historically, the first set of issues dealt with by practitioners and managementwriters was productivity: how to accomplish tasks or work more rapidly andefficiently. Much of the effort focused on helping managers perform their technicalresponsibilities. Though modern managers have much more sophisticated tools forproduction, they all still share the same concern: How can work be done mostefficiently?  Then the second set of issues laid emphases on how the whole organization,rather than each individual, could become more productive. There are two paralleldevelopments here. Some researchers put stress on improving an organization'sperformance by finding more effective ways to divide work among people and unitsand better ways to coordinate these efforts. That is, they focused on the way theorganization itself was structured. Other researchers felt an organization's performancecould be improved if its employees were more motivated to do their work. Thus,researchers tried to determine how feelings and attitudes affected the performance ofthe work force. Researchers and writers began to study organizational structure andbehavioral issues, which were and are particularly important to the managers withadministrative responsibilities.  ……



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