
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:辛恺,等 编  页数:218  


  为适应目前高职高专英语教学的迫切需要,依据教育部高教司颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)(以下简称为《基本要求》),我们组织专家学者和一线教师编写了这套《新实用英语视听说教程》。教程共上下两册,供高职高专非英语专业的学生使用。本书为学生用书下册。  《基本要求》对听力的要求是:学生能听懂在日常和涉外业务活动中使用的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟120词左右)的英语对话和陈述,并对这些内容的理解基本正确。对口语的要求是学生能用英语进行一般的课堂交际,并能在日常和涉外业务活动中进行简单的交流。本教程在设计和编写时尽可能地满足上述要求。  教材的编写力求体现教学目标、教学理念、教学原则和教学方法,达到教师和学生使用起来满意等目标(刘润清,2003)。教材认真设计每一单元的题材、功能、结构和任务,力求能够达到培养学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的目的(梅德明,2008)。  教材编写遵循“实用为主,够用为度”的基本原则,突出了语言的交际功能,充分体现了中国外语教学的特色,注重内容的实用性和适用性。教材还以第二语言习得最新理论为依据,注重任务和活动的策略性和开放性。  本教程由杨登新、袁敬之和孙晓艳担任总主编,由复旦大学翟象俊教授主审。参加下册编写的有辛恺(主编)、廉德刚(主编)、马德玲(副主编)、李晓冉(副主编)、朱庆妮(副主编)、李小敬(副主编)和李君玲、任艳娜、刘苹、姚海涛、李瑞红、徐斌、郝伟、朱静静等。




Unit 1 The InternetUnit 2 ShoppingUnit 3 Seeing a DoctorUnit 4 Job InterviewUnit 5 Establishing Business RelationsUnit 6 AppointmentUnit 7 Product PromotionUnit 8 Commodity FairUnit 9 Visiting FactoriesUnit 10 Business NegotiationUnit 11 Terms of PaymentUnit 12 Complaints and Claims


  Computers have been used in teaching for more than 20 years. But a new book says that only now are they changing education. And it predicts that a lot more is about to happen. The book is called Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns.  "Disruptive Innovation" is a theory developed by lead author Clayton Christensen, a professor at Harvard Business School. He says organizations almost always use new, creative technology only to continue what they already do.  New technology should change organizations, he says, disrupt them in a good way. They should use the technology to do things differently- for example, to serve more needs.  The new book says the needed disruptive force in education is computer-based learning.  Michael Horn, another author of Disrupting Class, told us about a Boston public school that he had visited. Every student at Lilla G. Frederick Middle School in Dorchester, Massachusetts, has a laptop computer.  One class was learning about storms. Michael Horn says the laptops made it possible to truly individualize the lessons, to divide materials by ability level and learning style. At the end, the students all took part in a discussion led by the teacher.  Computer-based learning offers a way for students to take advanced courses not offered at their school, or to retake classes they failed. It also serves those who cannot physically attend school, and students who receive home-schoolinor need tutoring.


  《新实用英语视听说教程(学生用书)(下册)寓教于乐,以日常交际和工作情景为单元主题,趣味性和实用性相结合。  难易适中,紧扣高职高专公共外语教学要求,重点突出,注释详尽。  循序渐进,编写内容安排合理,便于引导学生在轻松的教学过程中逐步提高口语水平。  配套完善,配有教学光盘,便于教师上课和学生自学。



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