出版时间:2010-1 出版社:复旦大学出版社 作者:刘芹 页数:289
口语能力是语言能力的重要组成部分,其测评历来是语言测试研究者和语言教学工作者所关注及研究的重点之一。口语测评大多是一种基于被试者表现的考试形式(performance-basedtesing),即被试者根据考试要求,完成一个或数个口语任务,然后由考官根据考生表现决定其口语能力等级。在这个过程中有几个因素会影响考生表现:首先是他的口语能力,其次是口试形式、评分标准以及考官个人因素。其中一个基础且关键的环节是评分标准。因而,如何制定一个能客观、公正、全面地衡量口语能力的评分标准是口语测试人员迫切需要解决的一个课题。 本书在口试评分标准制定方面做了卓有成效的探索。作者以分析性评分模式为切人点,以多种理论模式为依据,以现行英语教学大纲为基准,在大规模调研的基础上,提出了分析性口语评估体系(OARS)。 本书具有以下特点。文献部分的综述全面、详尽,涵盖了本领域的最新研究成果。作者从不同角度阐述了相关理论模式,包括语言能力模式及口语评分理论依据。阐述条理清晰、概括性强、层次分明,显示了作者扎实的理论功底。口语评估体系的第一个特点是测量维度全面:既包括语言能力又涵盖策略能力。同时,语言能力的衡量能兼顾到口语能力的外显特点(如语音语调等)。策略能力的判断也基于口语交际的特征之上,如包括体势语、声调、音量等。因此,该评估体系能较为客观、公正地评价口语能力。口语评估体系的另一特点是兼顾英语教学要求,每个小项都有相应的等级描述。这有利于该体系的使用者(教师、学生)充分利用口语测试的信息反馈,促进教与学。
List of Acronyms List of Figures List ofTablesChapter1 Introduction 1.1 Need for the study 1.1.1 Students perspective 1.1.2 Teachers perspective 1.1.3 Purpose of the study 1.2 Configuration of the study 1.2.1 Study procedure 1.2.2 Study questions 1.3 Significance of the study 1.4 Layout of the book 1.5 Summary Chapter2 Literature Review 2.1 Fundamentals of oral proficiency 2.1.1 Speech communication and its characteristics 2.1.2 Essence of speech communication Language use versus usage Communicative competence versus linguistic competence Accuracy versus fluency Correctness versus appropriateness Proficiency versus achievement Process versus product Synthetic approach versus analytic approach The learner versus the teacher 2.1.3 Components of oral proficiency 2.2 Classification of oral rating scales 2.2.1 Holistic rating scales 2.2.2 Analytic rating scales 2.2.3 Combination of holistic&analytic rating scales 2.2.4 Integration of holistic&analytic rating scales 2.2.5 Using analytic rating scales for the project 2.3 Summary Chapter3 Study Bases 3.1 Empirical basis 3.1.1 Syllabus description 3.1.2 Oral tests of CET&TEM 3.2 Theoretical basis 3.2.1 CLA model Language competence Strategic competence Psychophysiological mechanisms Significance of CLA to OARS Trait factors of CLA 3.2.2 Cohen's rating scale for pragmatic speaking 3.2.3 Nunn's rating scales for small group interaction Nunn's rating scales of interactive skills Nunn's rating scales of intelligibility Significance of Nunn's rating scales to OARS 3.2.4 Reconsiderations on strategic competence Classification of strategic competence Evaluation of nonverbal communication 3.3 Summary Chapter4 Construction of OARS Chapter5 The PilotValidation Study Chapter6 The Field Validation Study Chapter7 Conclusions and Recommendations Appendix1 Empirical Basis Appendix2 Questionnaires Appendix3 Experiments Appendix4 Data of the Validation Study
Chapter 4 concerns the construction of the model of oral analytic rating scales. In this chapter, a needs analysis is presented to show how the range finders and descriptors are obtained through a large-scale questionnaire survey. Then the whole model is discussed with detailed explanation of its essence. Finally, sample ratings are conducted to manifest how the rating scales can be applied. Chapter 5 presents the pilot validation study of the present model. Its main purpose is to test the utility of OARS and possible problems in practical application. It incorporates research purpose, subjects, operation and analysis. Various study instruments are displayed here, including reliability coefficient, construct validity, external validity, etc. Chapter 6 displays the field validation study of the model. It focuses on further applicability, reliability and validity of OARS when applied to different kinds of candidates and in large-scale oral tests. On this basis, characteristics of oral English proficiency of Chinese college students are touched upon. This chapter is also composed of research purpose, subjects, operation and analysis, and such parameters as reliability coefficient, construct validity and external validity are tested. Chapter 7 is the concluding section. It summarizes the results of the validation study and the flowchart of designing OARS as well as precautions in the application of OARS. It also provides tentative suggestions and recommendations on oral English instruction and assessment in Chinese universities. Moreover, further studies of this kind are suggested.
中国大学生英语口语分析性评估体系的构建与效验 PDF格式下载