
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:复旦大学  作者:汤亚汀 编  页数:273  


  《音乐英语》是通过调研,在理论研究及多年音乐专业英语教学经验的基础上,针对当前国内高等院校音乐类专业缺少适用的英语教材的现状编写而成的。教材依据语言学习和专业知识相结合的原则编写,所选文章包括音乐的定义、音乐欣赏、音乐元素、音乐人类学、中国音乐、世界音乐、西方管弦乐队、流行音乐、西方音乐体裁、西方音乐大师、音乐剧、媒体与音乐、电影音乐、钢琴的历史、歌剧等主题,涵盖大量音乐专业用语,学生可以在学习英语语言知识的同时获得相关的音乐专业知识。此外,本教材精心编写了形式多样的练习,以便于学生掌握语言基础知识和培养专业能力。为方便教师备课和教学、充分调动学生自主学习的积极性并培养其自学能力,本教材还配有教师参考手册和教学光盘,前者内容包括各单元课文的译文和练习答案等。  《音乐英语》可供高等院校音乐专业用作专业英语教材,也可供音乐爱好者赏读、自学和参考。


Unit 1 What Is Music?Text A What Makes Music Musical ?Text B What Does Music Mean ?Unit 2 Western OrchestraText A The Young Peron’s Guide to the OrchestraText B Peter and the WolfUnit 3 Music AppreciationText A Values and VoicesText B From Composer to Interpreter to ListenerUnit 4 Popular MusicText A Rock and RollText B The Jazz SceneUnit 5 Western Musical GenresText A What Is Classical Music ?Text B What Is a Concerto ?Unit 6 Western Maste Text A Exploratio  Mozart’s Music Remai Full of LifeText B Bach. A Genius without Honor in His LifetimeUnit 7 MusicalText A Fiddler on the Roof:SynopsisText B Lyrics from The Fiddler on the RoofUnit 8 Music of ChinaText A The Music of China ( Part One)Text B The Music of China (Part Two)Unit 9 World MusicText A Arab MusicText B African MusicUnit 10 Media and MusicText A Technologies of Tra missionText B Mixed Media and the Theatre ElementUnit 11 Music in FilmsText A The Sound of Music (Excerpts)Text B Immortal Beloved (Excerpts)Unit 12 Musical ElementsText A Sound (Part One)Text B Sound (Part Two)Unit 13 EthnomusicologyText A Ethnography of the Music BuildingText B The Many Musics of ViennaUnit 14 Piano HistoryText A Piano Playing HistoryText B The History of PianoUnit 15 OperaText A Opera : Introduction and FormText B Opera as Drama




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