
出版时间:2009-4  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:刘超先 编  页数:214  


  改革开放日趋深入,社会对外经贸人才的需求持续增长,我国商务英语专业(方向)的招生规模逐年扩大,该专业(方向)本专科生教育的改革、学科建设及教材的出版循序渐进,教学质量逐步提高。并且,教育部于2007年9月成立了“2007-2011年教育部高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会”,对商务英语人才的培养提出了更高的标准,同时也为学科建设和教材编写提出了新的要求。中国加入世界贸易组织已经好几年了,社会需要既懂英语,而又思维严谨、知识面广博、综合能力强,尤其能熟练运用外经贸知识的高素质专门人才。新的中学课程标准的颁布使中学生英语水平逐年提升,商务英语专业(方向)本专科生入学时的基础和综合素质也相应提高。此外,非英语专业大学公共英语教育迅猛发展,这些学生英语能力的提高,也为商务英语专业(方向)学生的培养提出了严峻的挑战和更新更高的要求。这就规定了本世纪的商务英语教学既是英语专业培训,又是英语专业教育,既以普通英语为主体,又以特殊用途英语为支撑,必须全面培养高素质的复合型人才。商务英语教材的编写和出版,毋庸置疑要顺应这种潮流。  复旦大学出版社正是顺应这种潮流,为商务英语人才的培养做了一件好事。在充分调研的基础上,复旦大学出版社抓住机遇,邀请了全国10多所财经类院校和综合性大学的外语院系的30多位商务英语教育专家,在湖南长沙召开了“高等院校商务英语专业本专科生系列教材编写委员会会议”。与会代表们一致认同了编写面向本世纪商务英语系列教材的必要性、可行性和紧迫性,并对编写思想、教材构建、编写程序等提出了建议和要求。而后,复旦大学出版社又多次组织专家、学者召开了会议,拟订编写大纲、确定教材类别、选定教材项目、讨论审核样稿。经过一年多的努力,终于迎来了第一批书稿。




Contents Unit1 The First Day in the Office Unit2 First Contact Unit3 Appointments and Arrangements Unit4 Visiting Customers Unit5 Invitation for Dinner Unit6 Establishment of Business Relations Unit7 At the Airport Unit8 At the Hotel Unit9 Business Presentation Unit10 In the Workshop Unit11 At the Fair Unit12 Salesmanship Unit13 Business Meeting Unit14 On the Telephone Unit15 Complaints and Crises


  Customer visits are time-consuming and expensive. To make them moreproductive, you should consider these ideas:  Always make an appointment. Don't show up unexpectedly and uninvited (unless the entire reason for the visit is to try to extract payment from thecustomer); Confirm the appointment in writing; Confirm your appointment again the day before the meeting by telephone Inform the Sales Department of your plan to visit the customer —— and ask if there are any issues that Sales Department would or would not like you to discuss;Send an agenda of issues you want to cover;Invite the customer to send you a list of issues they would like to discuss;Review the account file just before you go in; Make sure you know your negotiating-authority limits before you visit.the customer;Since you are a guest, be on your best behavior; If the person you are scheduled to meet with is unavailable and you are offered the opportunity to meet with a subordinate instead, keep the meet-ing brief and try to reschedule with the decision-maker;If you need updated financial statements, a good time to ask for them is  during a personal visit. It is much harder to say "no" face to face than it is over the telephone. Some customers see personal visits by the Credit Manager as an insult or a threat. Do everything you can to convince the customer that your visit is not intended to be either a threat or an insult to them or their business.   ......



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