
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:上海复旦大学  作者:黄庐进,王晓光主  页数:326  字数:409000  


《大学贸务英语谈判教程》系“大学商贸英语教程”系列之一。  本教程系大学本科商贸英语谈判教学用书(配有参考译文和答案),集商贸谈判的基本概念、理论知识及实践技巧为一体,涉及商贸活动的各大环节。  本教程具有以下三个方面的特点:商贸理论与英语学习有机结合;成功谈判与提高英语会话能力相辅相成;将商贸理论和谈判技巧植入实例之中。另外,在本教程再版之际,根据学习者反馈的信息,作了必要的修订,给出了课文、对话、案例等的参考译文,也对课文后提出的相关问题作了引导性的回答。


PART ONE TEXTS  Unit One  Lesson One Introduction    SectionⅠ Readings     Article1 Introduction to Negotiation     Article2 Impressive Behavior    SectionⅡDialogs     Dialog1 Introducing     Dialog2 Receiving A Call    SectionⅢ Exercises     Mini Case1 Introducing the Firm to the Potential Customer     Mini Case2 Finding A Suitable Chinese Tourism Agency   Lesson Two Reception    SectionⅠ Readings     Article1 Negotiation ProcessⅠ     Article2 At the Airport    SectionⅡDialogs     Dialog1 Meeting the Potential Customer     Dialog2 Arriving at the Hotel    SectionⅢ Exercises     Mini Case1 Meeting at the Airport     Mini Case2 On theWay to the Hotel   Lesson Three Visiting A Factory    SectionⅠ Readings     Article1 Negotiation ProcessⅡ     Article2 The Physical Preparation    SectionⅡDialogs     Dialog1 Showing Around the Factory     Dialog2 Visiting theWorkshop    SectionⅢ Exercises    Mini Case1 Showing Around the Plant     Mini Case2 Showing Around the Offices   Lesson Four ExhibitionⅠ    SectionⅠ Readings     Article1 Negotiation ProcessⅢ     Article2 What Exhibitors Are Thinking    SectionⅡDialogs     Dialog1 Talking with the Organizer     Dialog2 Making A Telephone Call    SectionⅢ Exercises     Mini Case1 Receiving A Letter of Invitation     Mini Case2 Trying to Know More About the Show  Lesson Five ExhibitionⅡ    SectionⅠ Readings     Article1 Negotiation ProcessⅣ     Article2 Exhibition Booths    SectionⅡDialogs     Dialog1 Planning to Participate in An ExhibitionⅠ     Dialog2 Planning to Participate in An ExhibitionⅡ    SectionⅢ Exercises     Mini Case1 Participating in An Indian Trade Fair     Mini Case2 Discussing AboutA Decorating Project   Lesson Six MarketingⅠ    SectionⅠ Readings     Article1 Integrative Negotiation and Distributive Negotiation     Article2 Seven Decision-Making Biases    SectionⅡDialogs     Dialog1 Introducing A New ProductⅠ     Dialog2 Introducing A New ProductⅡ    SectionⅢ Exercises     Mini Case1 Wanting to SellNew Products     Mini Case2 Talking Abou tOpening An Outlet   Lesson Seven MarketingⅡ    SectionⅠ Readings     Article1 How to NegotiateⅠ     Article2 Negotiation Dilemma   SectionⅡDialogs    Dialog1 Discussing AboutA TV CommercialⅠ     Dialog2 Discussing AboutA TV CommercialⅡ    SectionⅢ Exercises    Mini Case1 Talking About theWays to Design and Make A New TV Commercial     Mini Case2 Discussing About theWays to Launch An AdvertisementCampaign  Lesson Eight Logistics    SectionⅠ Readings     Article1 How to NegotiateⅡ     Article2 Why Outsourcing Isn't Always the Best Answer    SectionⅡDialogs     Dialog1 Discussing About the OutsourcingⅠ     Dialog2 Discussing About the OutsourcingⅡ    SectionⅢ Exercises     Mini Case1 Talkingwith A Potential Customer     Mini Case2 Introducing the Firms ……PART TWO REFERENTIAL TRANSLATIONS AND ANSWERS 附录 Background know ledge 参考文献




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