出版时间:2007-6 出版社:复旦大学 作者:吴晓真 页数:185
英语词典研究历来较为偏重从编纂者视角来评判一本词典的好坏,《复旦大学外国语言文学博士文库:英语为源语言词典编纂中的用户友善问题》则将计算机技术中的“用户友善”概念运用到双语词典编纂中,认为读者、用户视角在实现词典价值方面同样重要。本书还为“词典编纂”这门实践性很强的学科找到了接受理论、交际理论、二语习得理论、认知科学和市场营销理论中可以借鉴的理论依据,并全面总结了英语为源语言词典迄今为止在“用户友善”方面的“最佳实践(best practice)”及电子媒介英语为源语言词典在“用户友善”方面的独到之处。
Abstract中文摘要IntroductionI.From user to editor,and then back to userII.A review of prefaces to dictionaries with English as the source languageTheoretical BackgroundI.Reception theory and user-friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language1.Reception theory2.Reader’S role in reception theory3.What does it mean for makers of dictionaries with English as the source languageII.Text linguistics,theory of communication and user.friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language1.Dictionary as text2.Communication theories3.The dictionary—as—text model4.What does it mean for makers of dictionaries with English as the source languageⅢ.Second language acquisition and user-friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language1.Distinction between acquisition and learning,hence the distinction between dictionaries for L1 learners and those for L2 learners2.Dictionaries for L1 or L2,for comprehension or for production?3.Lessons from language transfer research4.High—frequency words or low—frequency words.which group gets first priority?5.The Natural Order hypothesis and the Comprehensible Input hypothesisIV.Cognitive sciences and user-friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language1.Lessons from the Affective Filter hypothesis2.Lessons from learning style research3.Lessons from the constructivist school of cognitive psychology4.Lessons from cognitive linguisticsV.Marketing theories and user-friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language1.Five Forces Model applied to English dictionary publishing2.Product differentiation as an English dictionary strategy3.Identifying the right market segmentPresumably Best Practice in Making Paper-and--Ink Dictionaries with English as the Source Language User-FriendlyI.User-friendliness in the outside matter1.Prefaces2.User guides3.Illustration4.Appendices5.A miscellanyII.User-friendliness in the macrostructure1.Selection of the word list based on frequency2.Selection of the word list based on the theory of semantic fields3.Selection of the word list determined by targeted audience4.Inclusion of new words and new meanings of existing vocabulary5.Access structureIII.User-friendliness in the microstructure1.Pronunciation2.Sense ordering3.Defmition4.Illustrative examples5.Grammatical and pragmatic informationUser-Friendliness Embodied in Electronic Dictionaries with English as the Source LanguageI.Dictionaries in CD-ROM formII.Online dictionaries as represented by OED Online1.Easy accessibility2.“Transparency”3.Customized infraction4.Currency5.Cost—effectivenessⅢ.Handheld electronic dictionariesUser Research and User EducationI.User research1.Dimensions of user research2.Methods of user research3.Lessons from the business worldII.User education1.Purchasing guide2.The use of the dictionaryConclusionReference WorksLexibibliograph:Dictionaries Mentioned in the DissertationWebliograph:Websites Mentioned in the Dissertation
英语为源语言词典编纂中的用户友善问题-复旦大学外国语言文学博士文库 PDF格式下载