
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:姜荷梅  页数:197  字数:245000  


《21世纪大学实用英语视听说教程》是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《21世纪大学实用英语》系列教材中的一种,根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》和《高等学校英语应用能力考试(口试)大纲》设计和编写,旨在通过真实而有时代气息的场景、地道而又生动的语言、实用而又丰富的知识、多样而又活泼的练习提高学生的英语听说能力。本教程包括“学生用书”和“教学参考书”(每种分为1-4册)及配套的音带、多媒体课件和网络课程等,供高职高专院校普通英语教学使用。  本教程在编写设计上充分体现学生在教学过程中的主体地位和教师的引导作用,选材全面、真实,听、说技能训练紧密契合,题材生动、体裁丰富、语言材料多样。本教程可以独立使用,也可以作为《21世纪大学实用英语》系列教材的一部分与系列内其他教材配套使用。  本书为“教学参考书”第一册,共8个单元,每个单元均与“学生用书”的内容完全呼应,涵盖其全部内容,并在相应的地方提供教学目标、视听材料原文和练习参考答案,且所有增加内容均用彩色标出,以方便教师使用。


姜荷梅, 副教授,现任上海商学院国际交流学院(外语学院)常务副院长。主编有《新英语教程教师用书》(4)、《商业英语》、《高职高专英语词汇必备》、“十一五”国家级规划教材《21世纪大学实用英语基础教程》及《世纪商务英语—听说教程》(总主编)等。曾获上海市育才奖


Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions  Lead-in Section One Watching,Listening&Speaking  Video Episode One:Nice to Meet You  Video Episode Two:Just Call Me David Section Two Intensive Listening Section Three Time for FunUnit 2 Expressing Gratitude Lead-in  Section One Watching,Listening&Speaking  Video Episode One:Thank You,Shelley!  Video Episode Two:Thank You. I'm Full. Section Two Intensive Listening Section Three Time for Fun 30Unit 3 Partings Lead-in Section One Watching,Listening&Speaking  Video Episode One:Goodbye,Shelley!  Video Episode Two:Goodbye! Section Two Intensive Listening Section Three Time for FunUnit 4 Apologies Lead-in Section One Watching,Listening&Speaking  Video Episode One:I'm Sorry,Ma am!  Video Episode Two:Sorry to Inconvenience You Section Two Intensive Listening Section Three Time for FunUnit 5 Invitations Lead-in Section One W atching,Listening&Speaking  Video Episode One:Will You Join Us?  Video Episode Two:Would You Like to Go with Us? Section Two Intensive Listening Section Three Time for FunUnit 6 Asking For and Giving Directions Lead-in Section One Watching,Listening&Speaking  Video Episode One:You Can't Miss It  Video Episode Two:How Can'I Get There? Section Two Intensive Listening Section Three Time for FunUnit 7 Weather Lead-in Section One Watching,Listening&Speaking  Video Episode One:What's the Weather Like?  Video Episode Two:I Really Miss the Sunshine Section Two Intensive Listening Section Three Time for FunUnit 8 Leaving and Taking a Message Lead-in Section One Watching,Listening&Speaking  Video Episode One:Would you Like to Leave a Message?  Video Episode Two:Can I Take a Message? Section Two Intensive Listening Section Three Time for Fun 《21世纪大学实用英语视听说教程(1)》光盘使用说明



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