
出版时间:2006-7  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:艾菲德.罗伯茨  页数:262  字数:236000  


本书作者长期从事MBA教学,并在政府和媒体机构拥有多年丰富经验,针对跨文化背景和中国特殊的商务环境,对在求职沟通、客户沟通、同事沟通、上下级沟通、危机沟通、媒体沟通等情形下如何进行有效商务沟通作了详细的剖析。提出商务沟通的基本原则、技巧和建议。穿插的大量案例和练习以及附录中对文化差异的阐释.有助于读者快速掌握实务环境中的行动要领,提升处理沟通问题的能力。    本书以浅显易懂的英语为主要讲述语言,重在对内容和技巧的实际运用能力,适用于本科、MBA的教学,也可供在职人员进修和培训使用。


艾菲德·罗伯茨(EIfed Roberts),香港大学经济及工商管理学院荣誉副教授,长期从事MBA教学,主讲课程有“商务沟通”和“商业道德”。现同时为复旦大学—香港大学IMBA及多伦多大学EMBA学生上课。拥有30余年在多国的授课经验,对各国文化差异以及由文化差异造成的不同商务环境


Introduction 导言Chapter One How to Apply for the Ideal Job  如何申请理想的工作Chapter Two The Resume and the Interview  简历与面试Chapter Three Spoken Business Communication  口头商务沟通Chapter Four Communicating with Colleagues and Customers  同事沟通及客户沟通Chapter Five Written Communications  书面沟通Chapter Six Business Meetings  商务会议Chapter Seven Cross-cultural Business Communications  跨文化商务沟通Chapter Eight Crisis Communications  危机沟通Chapter Nine Media Communications  媒体沟通Chapter Ten Business Communications Every Day  商务沟通日日练 Appendices 附录  Appendix One Cocktail Party (鸡尾酒会)  Appendix Two The Card Game (名片游戏)  Appendix Three Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr or John (称谓问题)  Appendix Four Getting to Know You (第一次会面)  Appendix Five Dealing with Dinner (宴会礼仪)  Appendix Six Sneaky Phrases (常见隐语)  Appendix Seven Karaoke (卡拉OK现象)  Appendix Eight It s All a Matter of Face (面子问题)  Appendix Nine Be a Chinese Culture Vulture (汲取中国文化)Exercise 1 PharoxExercise 2 Lawson HotelExercise 3 Modern IndustrialExercise 4 Industrial LubricantsExercise 5 The Right AnswersExercise 6 Talking about YourselfExercise 7 Interview TechniquesExercise 8 Difficult IssuesExercise 9 Three More AnalystsExercise 10 Your FutureExercise 11 ChallengesExercise 12 Foreign VisitorsExercise 13 Directors QuestionsExercise 14 Sales ManagersExercise 15 German AnalystsExercise 16 Positive PointsExercise 17 Telephone ComplaintExercise 18 Kitchen FlagExercise 19 Ginger JewelleryExercise 20 Diamond Office EquipmentExercise 21 Mountainside PlasticsExercise 22 Dragons BasketballExercise 23 Ransing CorporationExercise 24 Harland Hotel MeetingExercise 25 Charles ComputingExercise 26 Programme ProblemsExercise 27 Conversation TopicsExercise 28 Action PointsExercise 29 Staff MattersExercise 30 Communicating InternationallyExercise 31 Banking on SuccessExercise 32 A Touch of ClassExercise 33 Questions, Questions, QuestionsExercise 34 Making Looking Bad Look GoodExercise 35 Winged ServicesExercise 36 Harmony and PeaceExercise 37 Good Fortune AirwaysExercise 38 Nan Hai CarsExercise 39 Lunar New Year ParksExercise 40 The Royal TreatmentExercise 41 Job OpportunityExercise 42 Getting the PictureExercise 43 Read the NewspaperExercise 44 Agenda Items




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  •   速度很快,很满意!
  •   这本书比较简单,初学者用用还不错
  •   挺不错的书,看了让人受益匪浅!
  •   在读,还行没啥大感觉呢
  •     一般的商务英语教材习惯于抛开中国的学习者的学习工作现实,道理头头是道,动辄全英文文本,但实际学习效果并不见得多好。
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  •   没考过自考,不清楚。

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