
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:复旦大学  作者:罗汉  页数:274  字数:333000  


《大学商贸英语经贸专业教程》系“大学商贸英语教程”系列之一。    本教程系大学本科经贸专业英语教学用书,主要包括四个方面的内容:基本上选择经典原文作课文,随后配有经贸专业知识、术语讲解和语言难点分析,最后的练习部分包括两大类:一类是双语翻译和灵活运用;另一类是经贸英语语法知识的学习和技能的提高。


UNIT ONE   PartⅠ     1.Text Econom ic Choice—the Production Possibility Curve     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Point   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences     3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT TWO   PartⅠ     1.Text Application to Major Economic Problems     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points  PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences     3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT THREE   PartⅠ     1.Text The Self-Regulating Market     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English    4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT FOUR   PartⅠ     1.Text Adam Smith and the Classical Economists    2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points  PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences     3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT FIVE   PartⅠ     1.Text Restraints upon Imports     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences     3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple ChoicesUNIT SIX   PartⅠ     1.Text The Accumulation of Capital     2.Econom ic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences     3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT SEVEN   PartⅠ     1.Text The Demand Curve     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT EIGHT   PartⅠ     1.Text The Supply Curve     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences     3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT NINE   PartⅠ     1.Text The“Law”of Supply and Demand     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT TEN   PartⅠ    1.Text Growth of Government in the United States    2.Economic Terms     3.Language Point   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics  PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT ELEVEN   PartⅠ     1.Text Causes of the Expansion of Government     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation    1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple ChoicesUNIT TWELVE   PartⅠ     1.Text Economic Stabilization:Monetary Policy    2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points  PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences     3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple ChoicesUNIT THIRTEEN   PartⅠ     1.Text Function of the FederalReserve System     2.Econom ic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT FOURTEEN   PartⅠ     1.Text Federal Reserve Monetary Policies     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences     3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple ChoicesUNIT FIFTEEN   PartⅠ     1.Text The Mixed American Economy:Private Sector     2.Economic Term     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple ChoicesUNIT SIXTEEN   PartⅠ     1.Text Product and Income Concepts     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences     3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT SEVENTEEN   PartⅠ     1.Text Costs and Benefits of the National Debt    2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple ChoicesUNIT EIGHTEEN   PartⅠ     1.Text Causes of Inflation     2.Economic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT NINETEEN   PartⅠ     1.Text Welfare and Efficiency    2.Economic Terms     3.Language Point   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English    4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT TWENTY   PartⅠ     1.Text Capital and Interest    2.Econom ic Terms     3.Language Points   PartⅡ Exercises:Translation     1.Translate the Following Phrases     2.Translate the Following Sentences    3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English     4.Questions&Discussion Topics   PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices



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