
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:朱涛  页数:199  字数:212000  


《大学商务英语听说教程》以虚拟的跨国公司为背景,选择与该公司相关的业务题材和典型案例,配以背景知识介绍、单词注解、听力技巧和口语提示,听说相结合,融会贯通。   本书是一本集专业性、实用性、科学性和趣味性于一体的商务英语大学教材,适用于在校学生、自学者以及从事与本专业相关工作的人员。


Contents Unit One When in Rome:Cross Cultural Communication  PartⅠ All Ears for Business    Listening Strategy Capturing KeyWords    Warm-up Exercises    Listening Task Hong Kong Unemployment    Additional Listening India and China Talk    Home Listening China Growth  PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World   Managing in a Global Environment    What's What and Who's Who    Tell Me a Tale   Freak Out   Role Play Unit Two How to Lead  PartⅠ AllEars for Business    Listening Strategy Identifying Liaison    Warm-up Exercises    Listening Task Korea Looks for New Hyundai Buyers    Additional Listening German Economy    Home Listening The World's Billionaires  PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World    Choosing a Leadership Style    What's What and Who's Who    Tell Me a Tale    Freak Out    Role Play Unit Three Advertisement Makes a Difference  PartⅠ All Ears for Business    Listening Strategy Identifying Cause and Effect    Warm-up Exercises    Listening Task Seven TaxHavens Come under Fire    Additional Listening(1) A Resolution to Lift Sanctions against Iraq    Additional Listening(2) China,ASEAN in TariffCut Deal    Home Listening Bush ReviewsUS SteelTariffs  PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World    Advertising    What's What and Who's Who   Tell Me a Tale   Freak Out    Role Play Unit Four Trade and Transactions  PartⅠ AllEars for Business    Listening Strategy Identifying the Topic    Warm-up Exercises    Listening Task Nigerian PrivatisationsDeal Collapsed    Additional Listening(1) KaiserAlum inum Files for Bankruptcy Protection    Additional Listening(2) Parmalat to Decide on Bankruptcy    Home Listening Enron Files for Bankruptcy  PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World    Making a Claim    What's What and Who's Who    Tell Me a Tale    Freak Out    Role Play Unit Five Communication in Action:Conflict Management  PartⅠ All Ears for Business    Listening Strategy Identifying What is Going on   Warm-up Exercises    Listening Task EU-Latin America Trade Relations    Additional Listening(1) Cigarette Sale in Ireland Fell    Additional Listening(2) Cocoa Prices Soar    Home Listening Kodak's Fight for Image  PartⅡ Scenes in the Corporate World    Service Recovery    What's What and Who's Who   Tell Me a Tale   Freak Out    Role Play Unit Six Apply for a Job Unit Seven Bargaining Business Unit Eight How to Persuade Effectively Unit Nine How to Present a Project Unit Ten IT Bliss or IT Bubble Scripts Answers for Reference





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