
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:吴小英  页数:238  字数:194000  


  随着我国改革开放形势的发展,广大青少年及家长们都知道英语非常有用,迫切希望尽快掌握好这一门工具,为今后的学习和工作创造良好的条件。  英语是一门实践性很强的学科。英语学习有它自身的规律。要想学好英语,不仅要学词和语法,更重要的是让学习者接触大量的语言材料,经过充分的语言操练,才能使他们具备较好的语言能力,包括英语的理解和表达能力。任何"捷径"、"突击"和"速成"都只可能是一种不现实的愿望。英语学习必须是循序渐进的和全方位的,既要学习英语的语音、词汇和语法知识,又要接受听、说、读、写各方面的训练。《21世纪中学生英语文库》正是基于这一前提而为中学生编写的涉及英语学习各个环节的参考丛书,它们包括英语阅读、语法、常用词用法、说话和写作等各个方面。这些参考书既为读者提供了有益的学习材料,同时又指导学习者遵循英语学习的规律,用正确的方法去学习,以期达到事半功倍的效果。这些参考书是对现用教材的补充,也是对校内英语学习的一种辅助和促进。希望这一套丛书能帮助中学生在英语学习方面打好扎实的基础,以利于将来的深造和熟练掌握英语。




Stories on Animals (Passages 1-10)Stories on Man (Passages 11-20 )Stories for Fun (Passages 21-32 )Stories on Daily Life (Passages 33-45 )Stories on Animals (Passages 46-54)Stories on Origins (Passages 55--66)Stories on History (Passages 67-73 )Stories on Science (Passages 74-77 )Stories on Medicine and Life (Passages 78-89)Stories on Famous Men (Passages 90-102)Stories on Food & Entertainment (Passages 103-109)Dialogus (Passages 110-117 )Poems (Passages 118-120)Key to Exercises for Reference


  You have probably heard of seeing-eye dogs,the dogs that guide blind people,but how about hearing.ear dogs?Have you heard of horseback riding or pet therapy?  Seeing.eye dogs are carefully chosen and trained to work with blind2 people。Seeing-eye dogs can lead their blind masters wherever they want to go.They can help blind people cross streets and avoid running into things.Blind people with seeing-eye dogs can be more independent4 because they dont need other people to lead them around.  Dogs can be just as much help to deaf5 people.A heating.Ear dog can be trained to tell a deaf person when the telephone or doorbell is ringing.It can wake its master up when an alarm6 clock goes off.If a fire or smoke alann sounds,a hearing.ear dog will pull its master to safety.Dogs owned by young parents learn to fetch.the mother or fa. thcr whcncvcr thcir baby cries.Dogs can even be trained to tell deaf drivers about sirens or railway signalsby putting a paw8 on their shoulders。  Dogs are not the only animals that WOrk well with handicapped9 people.Children and adults who cannot walk can often learn to ride,because riding takes much less strength in the lower body and legs.Riding is good exercise for them.It strengthens their muscles10 and im Droves their balanCe and C00rdination”.



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