
出版时间:2005-4  出版社:复旦大学  作者:徐建军  页数:192  


  Quantum field theory has been an elementmp course for the students majored in theoretical physics. In recent years it has become a basic knowledge needed for all the students in physics. There is much more variation in style and content among quantum field theory courses  than, for example, quantum mechanics. Quantum field theory is indeed a hard course. But we knew that physics was a hard major Quantum field theory is still an active research topic, even though it has had many experimentally confirmed results since l940s. As a result, a quantum field theory course has the flavor of research f there is no set of mathematically rigorous rules to solve any problem.  Answers are not final, and should be treated as questions. One should not be satisfied with the solution of a problem, but consider it as a first step toward generalization.  This book arose from the lecture given to the graduate students in Physics Department of Fudan University since l994. The contents of the book are arranged as follows. The first three chapters deal with the basic properties and the quantization of the free scalar, spinor and electromagnetic fields, respectively. Chapter 4 transits to the perturbation theory and chapter 5 is a brief introduction of the quantum electromagnetic processes. Chapter 6 represents the  radiative corrections and finally, chapter 7 introduces the functional method used in quantum field theory. This textbook is designed for the graduates in Physics, but it also be of interest to scientists and engineeers major in sub--atomic fields.


  Quantum field theory has been an elementmp course for the students majored in theoretical physics. In recent years it has become a basic knowledge needed for all the students in physics.


  徐建军,1959年8月生于上海。1982年春毕业于复旦大学物理系,1989年l月获得博士学位。从 1984年开始,在复旦大学物理系任教至今。现为复旦大学物理系副教授。已发表学术论文20余篇,出版著作《超对称物理导论》、《数学物理方法解题指导》、《电动力学》(第二版),出版译著《不论》。主要从事理论物理方面课程的教学和研究工作,开设过电动力学、高等数学、数学物理方法、应用数学、量子场论、群论、天体物理概论等本科生和研究生课程。


PREFACENotations and ConventionsChapter 1The Klein-Gordon Field1.1Introduction1.2The Klein-Gordon Equation1.3Elements of Classical Field Theory1.3.1Lagrangian Field Theory1.3.2Hamiltonian Field Theory1.3.3Noethers Theorem1.4The Canonical Quantization of the Scalar Field1.5The Klein-Gordon Field in Space-Time1.5.1Causality1.5.2The Klein-Gordon PropagatorChapter 2The Dirac Field2.1The Dirac Equation2.1.1The Dirac Equation2.1.2Weyl Spinor2.2Free-Particle Solutions of the Dirac Equation2.2.1Plane-Wave Solution2.2.2Spin Sum2.3Dirac Matrices and Dirac Field Bilinears2.4Quantization of the Dirac Field2.4.1Canonical Quantization of the Dirac Field2.4.2The Dirac Propagator2.5Discrete Symmetries of the Dirac Theory(CPT)2.5.1Parity2.5.2Time Reversal2.5.3Charge ConjugationChapter 3 The Electromagnetic Field3.1The Maxwell Equations3.2Local Gauge Symmetry3.3Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field inCoulomb Gauge3.4Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field inCovariant GaugeChapter 4Perturbation Theory4.1Perturbation Theory4.2S-Matrix4.2.1Time-Evolution Operator4.2.2S-Matrix4.3Wick Theorem4.4Feynman Diagrams (44 Theory)4.5Feynman Rules for Quantum Electrodynamics4.5.1The First-order Process4.5.2The Second-order Process4.5.3Various Physical Processes4.5.4Self-Energy4.6Feynman Rules in Momentum Space4.6.1Feynman Diagrams in Momentum Space4.6.2Compton Scattering in Momentum Space4.6.3Feynman Rules in Momentum SpaceChapter 5Elementary Processes of QuantumElectrodynamics5.1The Cross Section5.2Sum of Polarization States5.2.1Spin Sum5.2.2Polarization Sum5.3e - e + --~/.t -/x + Process5.4Bhahha Scattering5.5Compton Scattering5.6Scattering by an External FieldChapter 6Radiative Corrections6.1Radiative Corrections6.2Regnlarization6.3RenormalizationChapter 7Functional Method7.1Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics7.2Functional Quantization of the Scalar Fields7.3Functional Quantization of the Electromagnetic Fields...7.4Functional Quantization of the Spinor FieldsReferencesIndex




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