
出版时间:2004-7-1  出版社:第1版 (2004年7月1日)  作者:余静娴  页数:327  字数:400000  


本书为《教育硕士英语教程》(下)的辅导用书,供广大师生和同等水平的自学者参考使用。全书由十个单元组成,每个单元包括:   1.课文的相关背景知识介绍;   2.课文中生词和词组的英、中文释义,其用法特点和主要搭配的介绍,以及例句及其译文;   3.对全篇精读课文的逐段解析,尤其对其中的长句、难句进行英、中文释义及结构分析,对要点难点还提供例句以示说明;   4.英语教程单元中所有练习的答案和详解;   5.精读课文的译文。


Unit One Advice to Youth  Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesUnit Two The Cultural Patterning of Time   Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesUnit Three Crisk Euen  Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesUnit Four The Clane Wars  Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesUnit Five Mages  Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesUnit Six A Ma'anm Tar Seasans  Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesUnit Seven Camman Sease  Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesUnit Eight Will We Meet E.T.T  Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesUnit Nine Sir Winstan Chuichill  Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesUnit Ten The Jahn Keaudy T Hnow  Relasted Information for Reference  Explanation of New Words and Expressions  Detailed Study of the Test   Key to ExercisesChinese Translation of the Tests



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