出版时间:2004-5 出版社:复旦大学出版社 作者:黄关福总陈洁倩冯奇胡开杰分册 页数:281
《成人高等教育通用教材——英语》1-4册自1997年问世以来,以其较强的实用性和可操作性赢得了众多英语学习者的青睐。为了回报读者的厚爱,更为了紧密配合成人高教的教学,紧跟飞速发展的高教形势,全体编者听取了广大师生读者的意见与建议,并经过了一年多充分的酝酿与准备,对本套教材进行了全面的修订。全新版《成人高等教育通用教材——英语》1-4册具有以下新特点: 东部沿海和东北地区重点高校的多名资深外语教授参与编写。丰富的教学和科研经验对于教材的编写是弥足珍贵的。全新版《英语》凝聚着复旦大学、上海大学、上海第二工业大学、天津大学、南京理工大学、吉林大学、苏州大学等多位在成教战线和科研领域颇有建树的教授们的心血和努力。 以有限的版面为教师和学生提供无限的知识空间。教材的编写并不是要面面俱到,而是既要让教师在使用本套书时有足够的发挥空间,又要让学生在阅读时感到其内容的充实和新颖。基于此,每个单元除了正式课文Text A外,还增设了阅读篇Text B,供教师和学生灵活选择。此外,Text B不设词汇表,旨在培养学生借助于词典掌握文中含义,从而提高自学英语的能力。 增强学生英语综合应用能力的训练。全新版《英语》不仅保留了原教材Dialogue部分,而且还增加了几乎一倍的分量。而这种增加只是一个引子,教师可在其基础上充分加以发挥,以达到当前社会对外语口语的新需求。此外,全新版《英语》在第2、3、4册增设了写作指导项目。由简单的句子开始,直到学习者掌握段落,乃至完整的篇章构建,旨在强化学生的外语写作能力。 增加练习量,巩固充实课文中所学内容。在课文练习中,不仅对每一单元所学课文中的词汇和内容配有相应的巩固性练习,而且对本单元所讲解的语法也编出足够的练习。练习形式的多样化也是新版教材的一大亮点。
《成人高等教育通用教材:英语(第3册)(全新版)》根据成人高等教育的最新教学大纲与考纲修订而成。全书选用了24篇不同题材和文体的原版短文作为12个单元中的 Text A与B。Text A均配有难句注释、日常对话、词语学习、语法知识以及多种形式的综合练习(包括问题简答、完形填空、句子变换、短语连接、汉英翻译、阅读理解和基础写作等等)。Text B内容与Text A题材基本呼应,其后一般只设难句注释与问题简答,以培养学生的自学能力和综合运用英语的能力,亦可供教学选用。 另外,编者还在每六课后设计了综合复习试题,可供教师考查和学生自测之用。书末另附总词汇表,以便于读者参阅。
LESSON ONE Text A Dialogues Word Study GrammarPrivate SpaceDeciding Between Work and Entertainmentlead, hopeThe Present Perfect Continuous TenseThe Past Perfect Continuous TenseExercises Text BPsychological SpaceLESSON TWOText A Dialogues Word Study GrammarTime Across CulturesGoing to the Doctoragree, fillThe Future Perfect Continuous TenseThe Sequence of TensesExercises Text BA Cultural Difference: Being on TimeLESSON THREEText A Dialogues Word Study GrammarHard Life for MillionairesHaving a Risepick, hangThe Modal Verb IExercises Text BEverybody Can Do SomethingLESSON FOURText A Dialogues Word Study GrammarFashion and StatusVolunteer Workpull, shapeThe Passive Voice IIThe Appositive ClauseExercises Text BThe Language of ClothesLESSON FIVEText A Dialogues Word Study GrammarHow to Heal a FriendshipWould You Like to Go Out with Me Alone?appear, shakeThe Participle IMystery of the White GardeniaLESSON SIXCulture ShockChanging Officesreach, inspireThe Gerund IExercises Text BA New Attitude to GratitudeREVISION EXAMINATION (One-Six)LESSON SEVENThe Risks of InvestmentBuying a Carstay, shareThe Direct Speech and the Indirect SpeechExercises Text BThe Psychology of MoneyLESSON EIGHTText A Dialogues Word Study GrammarMaking the GradeLost and Foundcease, forceThe Direct Speech and the Indirect Speech IIExercises Text BHow to Read FasterLESSON NINEText A Dialogues Word Study GrammarWhy People Change CareersGetting Things Fixedwake, actThe Article IIChoosing a CareerLESSON TENPaging Dr. CarsonFriday the Thirteenthchoose, sympathizeThe Pronoun IIExercises Text BThree Days to SeeLESSON ELEVENText A Dialogues Word Study GrammarMeasuring the Costs of Our DecisionsGetting Admitted to a Good Universityfail, liftThe Uses of “It”Exercises Text BCosts of Work, Study, or PlayLESSON TWELVEText A Dialogues Word Study GrammarVeme's Vision of the 20th CenturyPlanning a TravelOwe, despiseThe Infinitive IIThe Information AgeREVISION EXAMINATION (Seven-Twelve)APPENDIXVocabulary
The process of adjusting to life in a new country is often called culture shock. The word culture as used here has a different meaning than it usually does. Frequently, the word culture is relevant to music, literature, art, and higher education. Here, though, culture means the customs of a society and the way in which people interact with each other, Every culture has certain basic ideas on which it is built and which everyone accepts as true. These are fundamental things that everyone knows which are learned in childhood, and which are automatic to the people who live in that culture. They include everything from the common courtesies and details of daily life to the deeper issues of a person's place in society, of family, of life and death, and even of the attitude towards time and space. When a person enters a new culture, the basic customs and ideas that he or she automatically accepted may no longer be true. There is a new set of customs and attitudes to learn about and try to understand. During this period of adjustment a person feels a great range of emotions, from happiness and excitement to loneliness, anger, discouragement, and depression. This period of “culture shock” has been described as having approximately seven stages. ......