出版时间:2005-01 出版社:复旦大学出版社 作者:赵岩
本书根据作者在美国近20年来英语语法的教与学所积累的实践经验,并按照中国英语语法教与学的国情需求编写而成。全书共由下列七大部分组成: 一、引言部分(语法规则); 二、英语的渊源与发展及其影响; 三、掌握控制英语各类词汇层面上的错误; 四、掌握控制英语句子结构层面上的错误; 五、掌握控制英语不一致基础方面的错误; 六、掌握控制英语各类标点符号错误; 七,诊断性测试和综合测试(内容与上述六大部分相呼应)。此外,每部分还配有相当数量的练习供参阅与训练。
自1990年起,赵博士一直在美国加州承担大学类语及写作等课程的教学,积累了丰富的实践经验。目前已是美国加州艾尔卡米诺学院(EI College)终身教授。
在执教的同肘,赵博士热衷于编写大学英语教材。除本书外,她还编著了: A College Reader and Rhetoric ;A Gude and Reader for Critical Thinking; Star Student Essop: A Motivating Reader;均由美国国会图书馆注册。
赵岩博士现与她的丈夫赵和平博士及他们的儿子乔治(George)和女儿艾米(Amy)住在美国加州的花园城(Garde Grove)。
Unit One: Introduction
1 Orientation
1.1 Words to Learners
1.2 Regarding Rules of Grammar
1.3 A Happy Median
E1 Exercises for Introduction
2 English ― Indebted, Prestigious and Unpredictable
2.1 The Indebted Status of English: Three Periods of Language Development
2.2 The Prestigious Status of English
2.3 The Unpredictable Status of English: A Poetic Complaint
2.4 A Gracious Attitude
E2 Exercises for Introduction
Unit Two: Parts of Speech
3 Seven Word Classes of English
3.1 Seven Parts of Speech: A Table
3.2 Common Word Order and Positions
3.3 Identifying Parts of Speech
E3 Exercises for Parts of Speech
4 English Nouns
4.1 The Naming Function of Nouns
4.2 Concrete versus Abstract Nouns
4.3 Countable versus Uncountable Nouns
4.4 Common versus Proper Nouns
4.5 Collective Nouns
4.6 Regular versus Irregular Nouns
4.7 Irregular Nouns and Their Erratic Spellings
4.8 Useful NounˉMaking Suffixes
E4 Exercises for Nouns
5 English Pronouns
5.1 Pronouns versus Nouns
5.2 Personal Pronouns
5.3 Possessive Pronouns
5.4 Reflexive Pronouns
5.5 Demonstrative Pronouns
5.6 Indefinite Pronouns
5.7 Interrogative Pronouns
5.8 Relative Pronouns
5.9 Expletive Pronouns
5.10Reciprocal Pronouns
E5 Exercises for Pronouns
6 English Verbs
6.1 Analyzing Verbs in a Quotation
6.2 The Importance of Verbs
6.3 Various Attributes of English Verbs
6.4 Transitive versus Intransitive Verbs
6.5 Regular versus Irregular Verbs
6.6 Action, Linking and Helping Verbs
6.7 Verbs as Tense Markers
6.8 Productive VerbˉMaking Affixes
E6 Exercises for Verbs
7 English Adjectives
7.1 Semantic Functions of Adjectives
7.2 Attributive versus Predicative Adjectives
7.3 Regular versus Irregular Adjectives
7.4 The Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives
7.5 The Gradable Status of Adjectives
7.6 Nominal, Phrasal, and Sentential Adjectives
7.7 Productive AdjectiveˉMaking Affixes
E7 Exercises for Adjectives
8 English Adverbs
8.1 The Modifying Capability of Adverbs
8.2 The Semantic Coverage of Adverbs
8.3 The Mobility of Adverbs
8.4 Conjunctive Adverbs
8.5 The AdverbˉMaking Suffix:ˉly
E8 Exercises for Adverbs
9 English Prepositions
9.1 Attributes of Prepositions
9.2 SingleˉWord Prepositions
9.3 Fixed Prepositional Phrases
9.4 NonˉFixed Prepositional Phrases
9.5 Grammatical Functions of Prepositional Phrases
E9 Exercises for Prepositions
10 English Conjunctions
10.1 Coordinating Conjunctions
10.2 Correlative Conjunctions
10.3 Subordinating Conjunctions
10.4 Conjunctions versus Conjunctive Adverbs
E10 Exercises for Conjunctions
Unit Three: Controlling Word-Level Errors
11 Wrong Verb Form:V
11.1 Confusing Irregular and Regular Verbs
11.2 Confusing Past Participial and Perfect Verb Forms
11.3 How to Tackle Wrong Verb Forms
E11 Exercises against Wrong Verb Form
12 Wrong Pronoun:P
12.1 Confusing the Two Pronoun Cases
12.2 Confusing the Two Types of Possessive Pronouns
12.3 Confusing the Two Types of Relative Pronouns
12.4 Confusing the Two Types of Reciprocal Pronouns
E12 Exercises against Wrong Pronoun
13 Faulty Pronoun Reference:PR
13.1 Pronouns with No Antecedent
13.2 Pronouns with More Than One Antecedent
13.3 Pronouns with an Unqualified Antecedent
13.4 Pronouns with an Incompatible Antecedent
E13 Exercises against Faulty Pronoun Reference