
出版时间:2003-1  出版社:复旦大学  作者:王爱莉  页数:315  


  《实用旅游英语泛读》是一本可供高等旅游院校学生使用的旅游英语专业教材,也可作为旅游职业工作者或旅游爱好者的自学教材和读物。  实用性强是《实用旅游英语泛读》的第一特点。《实用旅游英语泛读》共分15单元,在每一单元的开头列出了相关的专业名词,可供读者参考。  内容广泛、系统全面是《实用旅游英语泛读》的第二个特点。在编排上把15个单元分成两大部分。第一部分从 Unti 1到 Unit 7:主要是对整个旅游业作一个系统的介绍,包括旅游组织、旅游对象、旅游交通、旅行社管理、都市旅游、旅游会展等。第二部分从Unit 8 到Unit 15:主要对饭店业作一个系统的介绍,其内容涉及到饭店的各主要部门,如前厅、客房、餐饮、财务、营销、工程维修等。覆盖面广,更有助于读者对旅游业和饭店业的专业知识作进一步深入了解和学习。  内容新颖是《实用旅游英语泛读》的第三特点。课文主要取材于英美等国及国内近两年来最新书刊,选材力求体现国内外旅游业最新动向和最新发展。  此外,《实用旅游英语泛读》所列出的生词、词组均与旅游业和饭店业关系密切,《实用旅游英语泛读》还对一些专业词汇做了尽可能详尽的注解,并就课文内容编排了相应的练习,供读者作巩固训练用。  限于编者的经验与水平,难免有疏漏和失误之处,敬请同行专家和读者批评指正。


Unit 1  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A World Tourism Organization     Text B The Benefits of Tourism Unit 2  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Travelers     Text B Urban TourismUnit 3  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A An Overview of the Air Transportation     Text B Singapore Airlines and the Supply of Tourist Transport Services Unit 4  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Travel Agency     Text B Chinese Outbound Tourism Development Unit 5  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Tour Operator     Text B Tourism in Oxford Unit 6  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Tour Guide     Text B Guidespeak Unit 7  Section I Special Terms   Section lI Texts for Reading     Text A Conferences and Exhibitions     Text B Principals Involved in Trade Shows and ExhibitsUnit 8  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Hotels     Text B Hotels Business in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong Unit 9  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Front Office Operations     Text B The Role of Service in the Hospitality Industry Unit l0  Section l Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Food and Beverage Service     Text B Mexican Food Unit ll  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A The Housekeeping Department     Text B Hotels: The New Generaion Unit 12  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Hotel Marketing     Text B The Tourism Marketplace: New Challenges Unit l3  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Hotel Accounting     Text B Economic Pricing Strategies for Hotels Unit 14  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A Engineering and Maintenance Operation     Text B Guest Security Unit l5  Section I Special Terms   Section II Texts for Reading     Text A A Global Industry     Text B Tourist Industry Accelerates Opening-up Appendix I Key to ComprehensionExercises (Unit 1--15)   Appendix II    References



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