出版时间:1900-1 出版社:复旦大学出版社 作者:邬性宏 编 页数:357 字数:297000
本书是一本精读教材,共有28课,每课除课文外,还包括课文中单词短语、专门名词及经济术语和词组的解释、难句注释和练习。除每课的练习外,书中还有四个复习性的综合练习。本书最后还附有总词汇表。 本书课文均取材于美、英等国的书刊。课文内容涉及国际贸易、国际投资、国际金融、技术转让、国际市场营销等各个领域。由于本书课文内容都反映西方国家学者和专家的观点,读者在学习和使用时务请注意。 为了培养、提高学生在阅读、翻译、写作和口头表达等多方面的语言能力,我们在编写各课练习时力求符合这一要求。 本教程可供高等院校国际商务、国际经济、国际贸易、国际金融和投资、经济管理、政治经济学以及英语等系科使用,也可作为涉外经济管理部门、研究机构和企业工作人员学习国际商务英语的教材或读物。
Lesson One Forms of International BusinessLesson Two The Importance of International trade to Economic DevelopmentLesson Three Nontariff Barriers to TradeLesson Four The Export ProcessLesson Five Sales Channels in International tradeLesson Six intternational Commercial TermsLesson Seven Export Shipping and Imsurance REVISION Exercises(LL.1-7)Lesson Eight Export DocumentationLesson Nine International Commercial PaymentsLesson Ten Some Understanding of CountertradeLesson Eleven Some Methods for selling Know-howLesson Twelve International Trade in ServicesLesson Thirteen Federal Express Expands Services InternationallyLesson Fourteen Motives for International Investments REVISION Exercises(LL.8-14)Lesson Fifteen Multinational corporationsLesson Sixteen Types and Management Systems of Joint VenturesLesson Seventeen Shanghai:The Remarkable Place to Do Business in ChinaLesson Eighteen How Unilever Is Making Its Investment Decisions?Lesson Nineteen The Importance of Marketing in International OperationsLesson Twenty Assessing International Market OpportunityLesson Twenty-one Selection of Overseas Markets REVISION Exercises(LL.15-21)Lesson Twenty-two Export PricingLesson Twenty-three Internatioral AdvertisingLesson Twenty-four Coca-Cola's Global Marketing StrategyLesson Twenty-five What Is the Foreign Exchange Rate?Lesson Twenty-six Functions of the Foreign Exchange MarketLesson Twenty-seven Theories of Exchange Rate DeterminationLesson Twenty-eight Eurocurrency Markets REVISION Exercises(LL.22-28)Index of New Words & PhrasesIndex of Proper NamesIndex of Economic Terma & Expressions